On Wed, Apr 15, 2015  meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

> > If the laws of physics are deterministic and time-symmetric

Even if the laws of physics are deterministic and time-symmetric  events
would still not be time symmetrical if the initial condition was a state of
minimum entropy because then any change in that state would lead to a
increase in entropy, and the arrow of time would be born.

> > From a Copenhagen perspective QM prevents us from ever having complete
> information

And from a Many Worlds perspective too.  Copenhagen says the information
just does not exist and Many Worlds says the information exists but we can
never have access to it even in theory. Either way we will never have the
information and because it makes no operational difference who is right
explains why so many physicists are uninterested in the Copenhagen / Many
Worlds debate.

  John K Clark

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