Dennis Ochei wrote:
Oh i see the issue. I didn't realize you'd assume the scanner is immobile. Immobilizing it relative to everything in the universe is uhhh... rather difficult.

The scanning event is taken as a single point in space-time. Mobility is irrelevant. If you create duplicates, they can be sent to space-like separated points, as Brent says. But if you simply reconstruct at some later time at the same location, then the events are separated by a time-like interval. This makes a difference to whether or not the time order is unique -- it is for time-like separations.


On Monday, April 20, 2015, Bruce Kellett < <>> wrote:
    Dennis Ochei wrote:

        I thought this was basic relativity 101? The video gives a
        concrete example with a train moving at relativistic speeds
        through a tunnel. The train lorentz contracts such that it is
        shorter than the tunnel. To an observer outside the tunnel, off
        the train, there will come a point in time when the train is
        completely within the tunnel. At this point two guillotines slam
        downwards simultaneously at the exit and the entrance of the
        tunnel and rise again barely missing the train.

         From a frame on the train, the tunnel is lorentz contracted to
        be shorter than the train. The nose of the train is just barely
        missed by the guillotine at the exit while the back of the train
        portrudes from the tunnel. Some moments later the back of the
        train enters the tunnel  and the guillotine at the entrance
        slams down behind it with the front portruding.

    The two ends of the train are separated by a space-like interval,
    not a time-like interval.


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