On Thu, Apr 30, 2015  Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> If additional steps, steps that you has conspicuously not specified, are
> required to turn mathematical truth into physical truth

> > This is vague, and literally impossible. We don't turn mathematical
> truth into physical truth.

Then please explain what computer hardware does. There are trillions of
dollars worth of the stuff on this planet, there must have been some point
in building it.

> UDA explains that the difference of physics and math is a matter of
> "pronouns" or "first/third person points of view",

So I guess you're saying that the first person (me) doesn't know what
10^100^100 digit of pi is but the third person does, but who is this third
person? I don't believe in God so I guess you mean mathematics, but If the
resources of the observable universe are insufficient to calculate the
10^100^100 digit of pi as seems likely then where does knowledge of what
this digit is exist? You claim it exists in Plato's world but provide no
evidence that such a world exists.

And Godel tells us that there are a infinite number of statements that even
mathematics doesn't know if they are true or not, and Turing tells us that
in general there is no way to know which statements mathematics is
knowledgeable about and which ones it is not, that is to say no way to
separate statements  into these 3 categories and no way for mathematics to
do it either.

1) The statement is true and a proof of it exists although humans may not
have found it yet.

2) The statement is false although humans may not have found a
counterexample yet.

3) The statement is true but no proof of it exists.

Thus we can say that mathematics might know if the Goldbach Conjecture is
true or not, but then again mathematics might be as ignorant about that as
we are. The answer doesn't exist even in Platonia.

> In the long version in french, I explain more on this

On this list you have shown yourself to be unable to coherently explain
even very simple questions about your ideas so I am very skeptical that you
have done better elsewhere.

  John K Clark

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