On 28 Jul 2015, at 04:46, John Clark wrote:

David Deutsch Wrote::

​>​Many mathematicians to this day don't realize that information is physical and that there is no such thing as an abstract computer. Only a physical object can compute things.

 Bruno Marchal ​Wrote:​

​> ​That approach makes mysterious mind, matter, and the relation between.

​The relationship between mind and brain is no more and no less mysterious than the relationship between nouns verbs and adjectives. ​

I will not ask you a proof, as you have shown to confuse the key notions in play in the more particular mechanist reformulation of the mind-body problem.

​> ​mathematicians does not need the assumption of physicalness to define and reason about information. Not even about quantum information,

​Then the real mystery is why mathematicians haven't become billionaires by starting computer hardware companies with zero manufacturing costs. ​

To refute what I say, you have to show a math theory which assumes something physical. Even quantum information theory does not assume any physical objects. They assume only mathematical relations.

Straw man, as you refute something I do not say.

​> ​Did Landuer realized that the concept of purely abstract natural numbers doesn't make sense?

​Yes, in fact he went further, ​Landuer​ used his physical brain to deduce that sense itself doesn't make sense without physics. I'm not certain his deduction was correct but it very well might be.

Sense is not assumed in elementary arithmetic. you make another of your favorite mistake. You confuse level of explanations.

​> ​Also, QM assumes the natural numbers. The more general theory of waves, eve just trigonometry assumes the natural numbers.

​But was that assumption correct? I don't know. There are a infinite number of natural numbers but nobody has ever seen a infinite number of anything and nobody has even come close.​

We never know if our assumption are correct. We can just agree on the interesting one and contemplate their explanation spectrum until we refute them. Of course some seems irrefutable like x + 0 = x. But as we cannot prove them from logic alone, we take them as axiom, and ask if people agree, and proceed.

​> ​The theory of natural numbers does not assume a physical reality.

​If the natural numbers are a human invention ​then they are the result the physical reality inside the human skull.

That is the confusion between the natural numbers, and the human conception of the natural numbers. The problem is that if you want explain the natural numbers from the brain, you have to explain the brain without using natural numbers, and thus without using trigonometry, and thus without using quantum mechanics, etc.

All scientists agrees with elementary arithmetic, and uses it everyday. Only philosophers trying to slow down science comes up with idea like "humans create the natural numbers", which, if seen as a scientific theory, suggests to explain the simple by the complex, and that leads nowhere, except slowing down science.



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