On 04 Aug 2015, at 19:47, John Clark wrote:

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 7:50 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​​>> ​For the sake of clarity and consistency when dealing with this topic John Clark humbly requests that ​Bruno Marchal make the following simple changes in future correspondence with John Clark:
1) Substitute "John Clark" for the personal pronoun "you".

​> ​We have explained to you that the key is in the difference between 1-Clark and 3-Clark, or 1-you and 3-you, or 1-me and 3-me.

​Since ​Bruno is clear about all this Bruno should have no difficulty in complying to the request of substituting "John Clark" for the personal pronoun "you".

We did this already, but you came up with non sense again. More than one person did this. It changes nothing, as the nuance is not in the name or in the pronouns, but in the 1p/3p difference, or in the 1-1p/ 3-1p difference.

For a period of time, I have no more use pronouns, but you kept confusing the 1p and the 3p, and we get the same non-sense, at it comes exclusively from that confusion.

It is not the pronoun, or the name, or the person where you are ambiguous, it is on the point of view.

The question is what can *anyone* expect to *live* (to be conscious of, first person, subjective experience) in the (iterated, for a change) self-duplication?

All sequences? No, as comp explains that NO copies at all will *live* all experiences. An arbitrary sequence of W and M? yes, as all copies will confirmed that they have indeed live a precise particular sequence, and the stat shows indeed that most look quite arbitrary.

​>​>>​ ​it is not abaout the lmocation of your bodies, but about the first person experience

​​>> ​There are two ​first person experiences, which one is Bruno talking about?

​> ​We have shown that P((W & ~M) v (M & ~W)) = 1, for the exact same reason that P(coffee) = 1.​ ​So you can be sure (modulo the hypothesis and the protocole) that you will have a unique experience of seeing a unique city after pushing the button. "The" refers to that unique experience. "unique" from the 1-pov, of course, as from the 3-1 view, they are not unique. But they $are* unique from the 1- pov, ad as the question is about that 1-pov prediction, it makes sense to refer to it.

​Well now that's all very nice but ​John Clark still has one question, ​there are two ​first person experiences, which one is Bruno talking about?

The one the Helsinki guy expect to live subjectively, which is either W or M, but cannot be both, nor none.

​> ​You avoid to answer the question/ What do you expect to live after pushing the button.

​>> ​Avoid the question my ass! Just yesterday John Clark said clear as a bell "that depends on who "you" is. John Clark would know that in the future the Moscow Man would see Moscow and the Washington Man would see Washington. [...] And I [John Clark]​ ​ also knew which one would be which, I knew the Moscow Man would get his photons from Moscow and the Washington Man would get his photons from Washington. [...]​ ​what Bruno Marchal would expect John Clark neither knows nor cares because expectations, correct ones or incorrect ones, have nothing to do with the continuity of consciousness or the unique feeling of self.

​> ​You make my point by avoiding the question again and again and again. I think it is hopeless, as you just avoid systematically the question. You are in Helsinki, you will push the button. The question is what do you expect to live as first person experience?

​That depends on who "you" is.

No, it works with anybody, even robots, as the 1p definition is 3p sharable (unlike in the math part which gives a more precise definition---but it is not needed for grasping the Universal Dovetailer Argument).

John Clark would ​expect​ that in the future the Moscow Man would see Moscow and the Washington Man would see Washington.

Ok, but we have agreed that both the Moscow man and the Washington man is the Helsinki man. Your use of "Moscow-man" hides the indeterminacy when the H-guy differentiate into the H-M-guy and the H-W-guy, so that they personally become either the H-M-guy, OR the H-W-guy. here you talk like if the Moscow-man was a new person: but we have agreed that he is the H-man. Indeed both are, which explains why the H- man can only be uncertain if he (the 1p, well defined in H) will live the W or the M experience.

Here you suppress pronouns just to avoid the question, by abstracting from the definition we have agreed on: both the M and W men are the same person as the H-man, despite the W-man and the M-man are now different persons. But they remains both the H-guy, and that is why the pronouns are not ambiguous.

The only ambiguity is if the question bears on the 1p personal future subjective experience (guarantied to exist by the mechanist assumption) or a 3p description of those experience. But that is an ambiguity which comes only from the fact that you don't read the question, or fake to misunderstand it.

Also: you talk often like if ("I am in W" and "I am in M") describes an experience. That does not make sense (with digital mechanism).

((JC will live W) and (JC will live M)) does NOT describe *a* subjective experience.

Just to be sure do you agree that if in Helsinki, we decide with a coin between the alternative described just below, but we don't let you know the result:

- tail : you are duplicated in M and W
- head: you are not duplicated, but teleported to one of the city (also chosen with a coin)

So you don't know if you will be simply teleported in one of the two city, or be duplicated in both, once you push the button. The question is: do you think that without external clue you could know which one of the alternative has been realized after pushing the button?



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