On 6/3/2016 4:28 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 4/06/2016 4:16 am, Brent Meeker wrote:
On 6/3/2016 1:28 AM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 3/06/2016 4:39 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:
Scott Aaronson's blog on his debate with Roger Penrose is probably of interest to the list:/

“Can computers become conscious?”: My reply to Roger Penrose//
//June 2nd, 2016//
//A few weeks ago, I attended the Seven Pines Symposium on Fundamental Problems in Physics outside Minneapolis, where I had the honor of participating in a panel discussion with Sir Roger Penrose. The way it worked was, Penrose spoke for a half hour about his ideas about consciousness (Gödel, quantum gravity, microtubules, uncomputability, you know the drill), then I delivered a half-hour “response,” and then there was an hour of questions and discussion from the floor. Below, I’m sharing the prepared notes for my talk, as well as some very brief recollections about the discussion afterward. (Sorry, there’s no audio or video.) I unfortunately don’t have the text or transparencies for Penrose’s talk available to me, but—with one exception, which I touch on in my own talk—his talk very much followed the outlines of his famous books, The Emperor’s New Mind and Shadows of the Mind.

/Read the rest at http://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/

This is interesting, and I would like to spend more time on it, but one thing struck me as I was leafing through....

"The third place where I part ways with Roger is that I wish to maintain what’s sometimes called the Physical Church-Turing Thesis: the statement that our laws of physics can be simulated to any desired precision by a Turing machine (or at any rate, by a probabilistic Turing machine). That is, I don’t see any compelling reason, at present, to admit the existence of any physical process that can solve uncomputable problems. And for me, it’s not just a matter of a dearth of evidence that our brains can efficiently solve, say, NP-hard problems, let alone uncomputable ones—or of the exotic physics that would presumably be required for such abilities. It’s that, even if I supposed we could solve uncomputable problems, I’ve never understood how that’s meant to enlighten us regarding consciousness."

This relates to my current obsession with the universal applicability of Bell's theorem (and other inequalities such as that of CHSH). Consider the statement of the Church-Turing thesis: "the statement that our laws of physics can be simulated to any desired precision by a Turing machine (or at any rate, by a probabilistic Turing machine)". This is not true for Bell-type experiments on entangled particle pairs. To be more precise, the correlations produced from measurements on entangled pairs at spacelike separations cannot be reproduced by any computational process. A recent review (arXiv: 1303.2849, RMP 86 (2014) pp419-478) points out that violations of the Bell inequalities can be taken as clear confirmation the separated experimenters making the measurements had not communicated: if they had communicated during the experiment then the inequalities would be satisfied. The corollary is that there is no possible local computational algorithm (not involving recourse to the effects of quantum entanglement) that can produce correlations that violate the Bell inequalities. In other words, the laws of physics cannot be simulated to any desired precision by a Turing machine. (I don't think solving NP problems has anything much to do with it.....)

If the world is a simulation, i.e. is being computed by a Turing machine, then the computation can implement non-local hidden variables and violate Bell's inequality in the simulated world (in fact all its variables would be non-local since locality and spacetime would just be computed phenomena).

Sure, Bell's theorem only rules out local hidden variables. If you simulate non-local hidden variables (i.e., get the separated experimenters to communicate non-locally), then of course you can reproduce the quantum correlations. But I was under the impression that the computationalist goal was to eliminate non-locality. Separated experimenters, with as much computing power as necessary, cannot simulate the quantum correlations by performing only local computations.

As I understand it, Tegmark proposes that the world is computed, as in a simulation. Bruno proposes that there are infinitely many threads of computations which include the experience of infinitely many different worlds for observers whose experience is computed in those worlds. "Separate" or "non-local" are attributes of the simulated spacetime and dynamics.


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