On 6/5/2016 4:01 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 05 Jun 2016, at 01:26, Bruce Kellett wrote:

On 5/06/2016 3:31 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 04 Jun 2016, at 01:28, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 4/06/2016 4:16 am, Brent Meeker wrote:
If the world is a simulation, i.e. is being computed by a Turing machine, then the computation can implement non-local hidden variables and violate Bell's inequality in the simulated world (in fact all its variables would be non-local since locality and spacetime would just be computed phenomena).

Sure, Bell's theorem only rules out local hidden variables. If you simulate non-local hidden variables (i.e., get the separated experimenters to communicate non-locally), then of course you can reproduce the quantum correlations. But I was under the impression that the computationalist goal was to eliminate non-locality. Separated experimenters, with as much computing power as necessary, cannot simulate the quantum correlations by performing only local computations.

You can simulate the whole (multiversial) structure, and the observers will find that from their perspective, Bell's inequality are violated. From outside, we can see (like Everett saw) that it is just a case of self-duplication FPI. (Which brings us back to the preceding thread of course).

Locally, Alice and Bob can simulate anything they like, and they can simulate universes with non-local hidden variables, and predict that within those worlds the Bell inequalities are violated. But when they get back to their own world and compare their results, they will find that the correlations between their separate simulations of the results of spin measurements at arbitrary angles invariably satisfy the inequalities. In other words, they cannot, jointly, simulate the quantum results in any world that they both inhabit. The MWI view from outside is no different -- non-locality is inescapable.

You don't need to simulate hidden non- local variable. You need to just simulate the wave function.

Which depends on both spatial variables of the particles in an EPR experiment and so it non-local.


It will take a super-exponential time to do so, but the many couples of Alice and Bob will all (except for a negligeable subset) detect non-locality in their respective branches, although we, from outside, will know that noting non-local ever happened. The non-locality will only be a FPI statistical appearances. It is the same for "our" multiverse. It obeys a deterministic local equations, and non-locality in all branches are a local relative appearance, like the indeterminacy itself.



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