On 29/05/2017 3:33 pm, Pierz wrote:
Russell, do you believe that Schrödinger's cat is in a superposition of dead and alive before we open the box?

That depends a little on your point of view. For the 'bird' view from outside the wave function, all superpositions exist timelessly, so the cat is both dead in one world and alive in another, but these worlds are both part of the same universal wave function, so there is still a superposition.

But in the 'frog' view from within, we only ever experience just one branch, so the superposition has been reduced as far as we are concerned. In fact, from our perspective, there is never a superposition of live and dead cats because decoherence will have reduced the decayed and non-decayed radioactive atom to separate worlds long before the canister of cyanide is crushed. The cat is alive in one such world, and dead in the other, and we, as decohered observers, are in one world or the other, not in any superposition.

For the case of the colour of T. Rex, even if both red and yellow are possible colours, the split between the worlds in which such different evolutionary trees are possible would have occurred long before either T. Rex or we appeared on the evolutionary stage. So again, no superposition in any effective sense.


On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 3:26:49 PM UTC+10, Bruce wrote:

    On 29/05/2017 2:52 pm, Russell Standish wrote:
    > On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 11:26:18AM +1000, Bruce Kellett wrote:
    >> There is another question as to whether we are in a superposition,
    >> of say red and green T.Rexes, but that they are in separate
    >> decohered worlds and the overlap function is zero FAPP, as Russell
    >> says. I don't think such a question has a definitive answer.
    >> what some people say, viz., that in the QM MWI, everything that is
    >> possible happens in some branch or other, I don't think that the
    >> branches of the quantum tree necessarily pass through every
    point in
    >> the possibility space. Quantum evolution in the Everettian picture
    >> is strictly deterministic, so if some apparently possible state of
    >> affairs is not consistent with the initial conditions, then if
    >> never appear anywhere. Given any particular imagined possibility,
    >> one cannot say whether it occurs in some world or other, or in no
    >> world whatsoever.
    > It is true that you have laid bare an unstated assumption - that
    > two different coloured T. Rexes are compatible with the universe's
    > initial conditions, as we know them. Obviously, if it possible to
    > deduce the colour of T. Rexes from first principles without
    making any
    > further measurements, then we don't live in such a
    superposition. But I
    > still think that if it requires a measurement (no matter how
    > to determine the fact of colour, than we do live in a

    I don't think that follows. If the initial conditions are such
    that only
    red T. Rexes can evolve, it would still require a colour
    measurement to
    determine that colour. There would be no superposition of different
    coloured T. Rexes, with or without any necessary measurement. The
    I think, is that colour, in the sense that we are using that concept
    here, is really a classical property that does not necessarily
    exist in


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