On 30 May 2017 at 12:10, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> On 29 May 2017, at 20:30, David Nyman wrote:
> On 29 May 2017 at 17:40, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> On 28 May 2017, at 19:32, David Nyman wrote:
>> On 28 May 2017 at 18:02, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> On 28 May 2017, at 16:53, David Nyman wrote:
>>> On 28 May 2017 at 14:38, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> ​Yes, that's what I meant.
>>> ​
>>>> It is there that many confuse:
>>>>  the number s(0),
>>>> the Gödel number of s(0),
>>>> the Gödel number of the Gödel number of s(0), which plays very
>>>> different role, all important, when we translate UDA in arithmetic.
>>>> Of course, this needs a good familiarity with the understanding of the
>>>> difference between language, theories, and truth (models).
>>> ​Indeed :(
>>> ​
>>> ​Well no, I still don't quite understand. I didn't mean that we couldn't
>>> accept a physical universe as 'true' in the sense of a brute fact. What I
>>> meant was in that case how would a notion ​of truth be related to the
>>> perception of that world? Would it merely be an identity relation between
>>> it being true that such a world was primitive and consequently true that
>>> this also entailed a perception of it on behalf of a subject? If so, I
>>> wouldn't find that either coherent or intelligible.
>>> It would make the identity-thesis consistent. I agree it is not really
>>> intelligible, but the actual infinities would could consistently be used to
>>> justify the magic. That crazy (I think we share the intuition here) move is
>>> no more available when we assume mechanism, as we inherit from arithmetic
>>> infinitely many copies, and we have to take them into account.
>> ​Yes, and then in that case Brent really would be correct that an
>> 'engineering solution' would be about as close as we could get.
>> Yes. It is akin to the usual use of mechanism by atheists, to dismiss all
>> "religious" notions, from God to ... consciousness, and which lead to a
>> sort of eliminativism.
> ​Yes, it even seems to lead to a kind of reactive or defensive dogmatism.
> I appreciate very much Feynman's suggestion that science is a method of
> checking that we aren't fooling ourselves. But of course we must remember
> that this method should also be applied to itself.
>> Somehow, mysteriously the mind and the brain becomes identifiable, by
>> being both actual non duplicable infinite entities. Typically, you can no
>> more say yes to the doctors, or if someone say yes, they can invoke that
>> infinities, as there are mysterious anyway. Everything becomes magic here:
>> the physical universe, consciousness, etc. It looks like a fairy tale
>> identifying all the mysteries, but logically, it can make sense by pushing
>> the substitution level in the infinitely low, if that can make sense.
> ​Yes, it can make sense. In another, perhaps related sense the
> 'substitution' level is almost infinitely low, if indeed the 'tuning' were
> fine enough such that​ only a unique physics can be associated with our own
> existence. But nevertheless the assumption of CTM implies that the
> substitution level of our minds isn't necessarily that low, but could be
> approximated classically by a digital prosthesis. The doctor will have a
> lot to answer for.
> That moves seems to me premature to say the least, but we have to find a
>> difference between quantum logic, and the quantum logic associated to Z1*
>> to get a clue on the necessity of such moves.
> ​I won't hold my breath.​
>> Usually, the scientists tries to discard the commitment into actual,
>> physical and psychological entities.
> ​Understandably perhaps.​
> I would say that this is the only right attitude. The whole point of doing
> "scientific metaphysics or theology" is to be agnostic all the times, and
> not to assume any answers, at any time. Only hypothesis and deductions, and
> interpretation means, if possible with experimental verification means.
>> I'm not sure I fully understand you here. My intention recently has been
>>> to clarify
>>> ​in a certain way ​
>>> an explanatory distinction between ontology and epistemology in terms of
>>> theory in general. In this way of parsing the thing any 'observable', even
>>> if viewed from the imaginary Wittgenstein's ladder perspective of 3p, is
>>> part of the epistemological component of the theory. To simplify a bit,
>>> anything that requires interpretation and hence explanation is an inference
>>> from, not a part of, the assumptive ontology, which is by definition *not*
>>> itself in need of
>>> ​such ​
>>> explanation. Consequently it was that ontology that I referred to as 0p.
>>> OK. But when making the mechanist assumption explicit, that 0p becomes
>>> 3p, or that 3p becomes 0p, (unlike the apparent "3p physics", which becomes
>>> 1p plural).
>> ​I'm OK with this. I think that people sometimes forget the crucial
>> distinction between 3p and 1p-plural, by referring to epistemological
>> constructs as 3p​. That's why I thought of the Wittgenstein ladder as a
>> reminder of the implicit adoption of a privileged interpretation in this
>> case. It seems to be quite difficult sometimes for people to intuit that
>> they are doing this.
>> I continue to thing that we have a "level" problem here.
> I don't think so. Probably I wasn't clear enough. ​By 'epistemological
> construct' I meant a 1p-plural observable, as I said in the remark above
> that you previously commented. This is the topic I've ​been discussing most
> recently with Brent. I notice that he tends to talk about something like,
> say, the Mars Rover as if it were in some sense independent of
> ​any ​
> interpretation from a 1p and hence ultimately a 1p-plural perspective.
> That's not a 'public theory'; it's a privileged point of view.
>> Once we bet on mechanism, we accept the idea that "2+2=4" is pure 3p, and
>> we asbrtact from the fact that we need the 1p to assert this, but that need
>> is no more in the theoretical assumption, like blackboard's and chalk
>> existences are not part of General relativity (despite we need them to
>> discuss GR in between humans).
>> Any public theory is 3p, almost by definition. With mechanism, we can
>> use, as ultimate 3p truth, all the arithmetical truth, or even just the
>> sigma one (keeping the whole arithmetical truth at the meta-level). The 1p
>> is retrieved by linking strongly the indexical 3p-self (the believer) with
>> truth (which we cannot define, but can intuit, especially about the
>> numbers' arithmetical relations). That gives the modality [1]p = (Bp & p).
>> Consciousness, which is the essence of the 1p, is explained in a first
>> approximation by the facts that:
>> ---  [1]p obeys a logic of S4 (which answers the desiderata of the
>> analytical philosophers), it is the knowing aspect of consciousness.
>> --- [1]p is not definable in any third person way in the language of the
>> machine, like truth, which satisfies Brouwer, Dogen, Maharshi, Plotinus, or
>> anyone trying to define itself, etc.
>> --- [1]p provides a temporal logic of evolving knowledge state, which
>> implies that consciousness has a topological duration, which satisfy
>> Brouwer, but seems to dissatisfy ... "lady salvia" (but then I pursue the
>> experimentation to try to understand why).
> ​OK​
>> A better approximation is given by <1>p = p V ~B~p. As it keeps the
>> points above, but makes consciousness trivial, which it should be, and
>> undoubtable, yet not justifiable rationonally without assuming mechanism in
>> a very explicit way.
> But this might lead to inconsistency, as we go very near the theological
>> trap/blaspheme.
> ​Careful now (pace Father Ted).​
> Oh!
> I don't think Father Ted made any blaspheme.

​Perish the thought! But he was wont to warn "Careful now" when he feared
others might be stepping too close for comfort ;)


> Nor can any caricature of a prophet  be considered as a blaspheme. But to
> believe that a caricature of a prophet is a blaspheme, *is* a blaspheme, as
> it makes divine a human. Of course, the literal belief that Jesus is God is
> a blaspheme too, and I am not sure Jesus has been responsible for it.
>>> Any other part of the theory is relative to some point of view even, as
>>> I've said, if that point of view is an implicit one adopted
>>> imaginatively ​
>>> for reasons of interpretation.
>>> ​So in this way of thinking *all* the views emerge epistemologically
>>> from the assumptive ontological base, which neither has, nor depends on, a
>>> view in this sense.
>>> Which makes it 3p. 3p means the same for all views. With mechanism, we
>>> have top assume that 3+3=6, for all observers, knower, and even if there is
>>> no observer at all.
>> ​Independent of us IOW.
>> ​
>>> The 0p is the absolute 3p assumed at the start.
>> ​OK
>> OK, nice. Some philosophers hates this, because it is the place where
>> mechanism transforms a philosophical question in a mathematical problem.
> ​But it makes the problem more tractable and interesting.​
>> ​
>>> T
>>> he assumption of arithmetic is
>>> ​then ​
>>> 'independent of us' in
>>> ​just ​
>>> this sense, because
>>> ​we don't rely on it being
>>> ​in any way ​
>>> point-of-view dependent.
>>>> which I think is OK, but one step closer to the blaspheme,
>>> ​OMG :( Why is that?
>>> Saying a proposition from G* minus G. That is, saying something true, as
>>> long as we don't assert it. Like <>t,  (I am consistent). Those things go
>>> without saying, and becomes false if asserted without interrogation mark.
>>> I suspect that the 0p and 3p discussion might comes from that. "0p = 3p"
>>> belongs plausibly to G* minus G.
>> ​OK but I think we end up with agreement below.
>> ​
>>>> the YD, without interrogation mark, assumes that the doctor is a
>>>> scientist,
>>> ​Yes, but how is that implied by the above? The doctor, whether posing
>>> as scientist or priest, still cannot offer us definitive proof of any
>>> theory he proposes in support of the operation. In point of fact we
>>> ourselves cannot know, even after the operation has been declared - by
>>> ourselves - as successful, that we are still 'the same person'. At best we
>>> may be able to say that our the continuity of our consciousness *seems* to
>>> be invariant after the substitution. So the act of faith seems unavoidable
>>> in any circumstance.
>>> OK. No real problem then.
>>> ​
>>>> when he is really only a priest.
>>> ​Surely yes, to the extent that he's asking for an act of faith on our
>>> part.
>>> Yes. It is why saying that comp is a theology, is an act of modesty,
>>> like reminding we are ignorant, and we have to bet the survival, without
>>> pretending having  a proof.
>>> Maybe it is due to my reading of Nagel, but I associate the 0p with the
>>> "outer god", and that makes the 0p = 3p statement, which follows from "God
>>> = arithmetical truth", into a "blaspheme", like if we could knew by reason
>>> that God is the arithmetical truth.
>> ​I understand your compunction. For a long time I wondered about your use
>> of theological terminology​ in this regard but I think now we may even be
>> ready for its rehabilitation in a modestly scientific manner, at least in
>> Europe. In the US it still seems to "frighten the horses", as we say here
>> in England.
>> I have to use other terminologies, but eventually, it slow down the
>> comprehension a lot, and when people approaches understanding, they feel
>> uneased, because they see it is theology. Some realize it, and stop the
>> debate by saying it is ... theology. Saying that it is theology is an act
>> of modesty, because it reminds that "saying yes" to the doctor requires
>> already a theological act of faith. When a materialist defend mechanism, he
>> will usually insist that mechanism is obvious, that ~mechanism is fairy
>> tales religion (which is close to the truth, but not obvious). That is well
>> illustrates by John Clark, who said more than once that mechanism or
>> computationalism is obviously true, but then we see he eliminates the first
>> person (despite he denies this), notably to stop the thought experiment at
>> step 3.
>> Another reason to use the term theology, is that we get in a rather
>> precise way the theology of the neoplatonists, and the lexicon between them
>> and arithmetic is simpler to explain.
>> But we are brainwashed with theological fallacies since long, so it will
>> take a lot of time.  Salvia might accelerate this a lot, because it refutes
>> in a quasi diagonal way the usual materialist dismiss ("all mystical
>> experiences are just hallucinations"). Salvia refutes this by making people
>> hallucinating that indeed, *everything* is an hallucination, even salvia
>> and brains. Coming back from such "awakening" throws a doubt on the
>> materialist dismiss, because from "there" it would entail the dismiss of
>> *all* experiences. Many people doing salvia can be so confused that they
>> believe for some moment that the salvia hallucination *is* the coming in
>> this reality and the current continuation of this life. More than one
>> experiencer told me that they understood mechanism and its consequence for
>> the first time in some non intellectual way. What is interesting with
>> salvia, also, is that you get clear the G* \ G difference, and you
>> understand why a part of theology has to remain secret. That is often
>> referred or illustrated in salvia reports. The half-wise people wrote often
>> "I am not supposed to say this, but ..", and then they talk too much, and
>> can even have problem "there" in the next experiences if they do it again.
>> Most people dislike the experience, and it is normal, They reacts a bit
>> like people suddenly understanding the consequence of mechanism, and this
>> is shocking for the Aristotelians, especially for those who are not aware
>> that the existence of a physical primary universe was an assumption, a
>> theory, partially ingrained in our mind, and that it is not a fact. It is
>> billions of years of prejudice put in question. So salvia will accelerate
>> the coming back to theology when people will be more open to enlarge they
>> faculty of doubt.
> ​We shall see. Meanwhile I have found my reading of Plotinus on your
> recommendation helpful in conjunction with our conversations.
> Thanks for telling.
> Bruno
> David​
>> Bruno
>> David
>>> Bruno
>>> David
>>>> Maybe I should describe comp by CT + YD?. The "?" is not technically
>>>> avoidable: it requires a "religious" act of faith, and cannot be enforced
>>>> to people (and there is a problem with the kids, like in all religion,
>>>> solvable in practice by the "legal age" notion for deciding or not to ask
>>>> the kid's act of faith or not).
>>>> Bruno
>>>> David​
>>>>> Bruno
>>>>> David
>>>>>> is equated with the truths, as distinct from the formal procedures,
>>>>>> of arithmetic. The strength of the logical models that Bruno utilises in
>>>>>> the machine interviews is then that they can be characterised in this 
>>>>>> sense
>>>>>> as "accessing truths". However, their purely extrinsic formulation is in
>>>>>> the relevant sense "incomplete" in this regard. Their completion in that
>>>>>> same sense is to be found in the conjunction of an extrinsic formulation
>>>>>> with an intrinsic (reflexive) logic that is comprehensible only in terms 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> what the subject thus modelled perceives to be true, i.e to correspond 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> its perceptually-available "facts". The consequence is then that
>>>>>> consciousness is equated in this view with whatever is perceptually true,
>>>>>> in the first instance, for a given subject.
>>>>>> I mainly agree. I would use "intuit" for the Bp & p, and "perceive"
>>>>>> with the Bp & Dt (& p). But that is an old bad habit, perhaps, as I 
>>>>>> thought
>>>>>> that Bp & p collapse on p sigma. But that is not the case, and Plotinus 
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> right (!), the soul (Bp & p) has already a intuition/perception of the
>>>>>> physical reality).
>>>>>> Here we have the problem that we get three quantum logics, and thus
>>>>>> three physics. Normally Bp & p, with p sigma, is "heaven physics", and 
>>>>>> Bp &
>>>>>> Dt (& p), p sigma, is terrestrial physics. Normally Bp & Dt gives the
>>>>>> quanta, and Bp & Dt & p gives the qualia, but it is slightly more complex
>>>>>> than that, for technical reason.
>>>>>> Now, toy model or not, ISTM that there is surely something in the
>>>>>> foregoing that offers certain relevant conceptual footholds that are
>>>>>> unavailable in alternative schemas. It's also something that can in
>>>>>> principle be examined and tested rigorously even though it is at present
>>>>>> largely neglected and at a very early stage of development. At least it
>>>>>> seems to offer a way of avoiding the equally unpalatable polarities I
>>>>>> mentioned before - of brute identity theory on the one hand, or the
>>>>>> fruitless search for some "internal" state of matter on the other. Either
>>>>>> of these alternatives has struck me for a long time as falling into the
>>>>>> category of "not even wrong".
>>>>>> OK. I agree, but I think that Brent's main mistake is that he is
>>>>>> oblivious that I show the existence of a problem with Mechanism, and show
>>>>>> that the problem can be translated in arithmetic, and that it leads up to
>>>>>> now to a theology, testable by the constraints it put on the core of
>>>>>> physics (indeed, we do get a quantum-like logic). I show that Gödel's
>>>>>> theorem is not only a chance for mechanism by justifying the existence of
>>>>>> the knower (Bp a p), but Gödel's theorem justifies the existence of the
>>>>>> matter appearances as well, when p is sigma, and when we add the
>>>>>> "probability" clause: that is the "Dt".
>>>>>> Bruno
>>>>>> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/
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