On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​> ​
> In the field of mathematical logic, the theories are not used at all. The
> theories are the object of study.

​If ​
mathematical logic
​ is not to be a trivial subject then it's object of study should be the
nature of reality, ​that's why the study of the largest prime number seems
rather silly to me.

​>> ​
>> I wish you's stop talking about that, even Google doesn't know what a
>> ​ ​
>> "Löbian machine" is.
> ​> ​
> You don't believe in God but you talk like if Google was omniscient.

​It's not just Google, ​e
ven Martin Löb
​ ​
never knew what a
​ ​
"Löbian machine"
​ and you're the only one who refers to it.​

> ​>> ​
>> Turing explained exactly how to build one of his machines but I've never
>> ​ ​
>> heard
>> ​ ​
>> the construction details
>> ​on​
>> ​ ​
>> just
>> ​ ​
>> how to manufacture one of your "Löbian machines".
> ​> ​
> I wrote the programs, it is easy. Read the books, or my papers.

​In other words you've explained this brilliantly elsewhere, or in yet
other words I've stumped you.

> ​> ​
> Peano Arithmetic, is *the* exemple of a Löbian Machine.

​A Turing machine can do ​
Peano Arithmetic
​ too.​ Nothing new in that.

​> ​
> The most useful current definition is that a machine is Löbian if
> ​ [blah blah blah]

​Turing did far more than define what his machine could do, he explained
exactly how to construct one in great detail, and that's why other people
gave it the name "Turing Machine". I can define what a perpetual motion
machine is but I can't tell you how to build one, and that's why they're
not called Clark Machines. If you know of a computing machine that can do
things a Turing Machine can't and you can explain exactly how to build one
then they should be called Marchal Machines, and I think Martin Löb would
have agreed. So I ask again, what parts from the hardware store do I need
to buy to build one?

​>> ​
>> ​Nothing powerful enough to do arithmetic can prove it's own consistency;
> ​> ​
> Powerful to do enough of arithmetic, and being consistent. OK.

​And if it's not powerful enough to help a third grader with his homework
then it's not in my opinion very interesting, although there is no
disputing matters of taste.

​> ​
> The formula of Löb is the key formula of the Gödel-Löbian machine's
> theology.

​You really should buy a dictionary so you can look up that word.​


 John K Clark​


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