On 25 Nov 2017, at 19:16, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:

On Saturday, November 25, 2017 at 3:39:00 PM UTC, John Clark wrote:
On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 4:08 PM, <agrays...@gmail.com> wrote:

​>​>>​ ​Do you really think that when you pull a slot machine and get some outcome, the 10 million other possible outcomes occur in 10 million other universe?

​>> ​​I could be wrong but that would be my best guess.​

​> ​Is the slot machine duplicated in those 10 million new universes?

​If the Schrodinger​ ​Wave Equation really means what it says then the answer can only be yes.

Since your conclusions seem immensely more bizarre than collapse of the wf, your interpretation of what the SE means must be in error. AG

"finding bizarre" is a personal opinion, which is not valid in an definitive argument, but it can be used to justify or not a new axiom.

What we have with the SWE is a theory which predicts bifurcating and fusing histories/computation. By linearity you can start from many histories, and consider that there is only differentiation (on first person content of memory of experiences).

It is already provable in very weak fragments of arithmetic that all pieces of computations, halting of not, exists in Arithmetic and are emulated infinitely often by infinitely many universal machine/number.

So the many worlds/histories aspect of reality is to be expected for a mechanist/cartesian philosopher/inquirer. It is "one universe" which would be weird.

Now, to avoid that histories-proliferation, and contemplate oneself in the mirror feeling to be unique, the founders of QM added to the SWE the collapse postulate, which lead to the measurement problem: which is just the problem of explaining what is that collapse. It leads to third person (3p) indeterminacy, and 3p influence at a distance, and this with ten thousand of incompatible incompatible theories, most of them refuted by experiences (from Borh's idea that QM worked only on the microscopic scale, to Wigner's idea that consciousness was responsible for the cut (which is the only one theory undistinguishable from Everett phenomenologically, except for Bohm hidden variables which simulates the whole wave to interact at a distance unusable information to give to primitively material particles the ability to select consciousness in the many histories, and this leads to infinitely many weird creature, looking like p- zombies, but lacking consciousness and material particles (yet having some role in the absence or presence of light on my computer screen. If that is not bizarre,....

At some level, the error of adding the collapse, is the same error done by Aristotle to Plato, adding a "real universe" in the Ocean of Ideas proposed by Plato. That has lead to the Mind-Body problem, which is the same as the problem of the foundation of Theology (What is the Mind? What is Matter? and how are they related). The quantum measurement problem is a sort of toy version of the Mind-Body problem, and its solution consists (and has to consist if we assume digital Mechanism) in extracting physics from a measure on first person (hopefully plural) from a relative state statistics on all computations. We have to justify what the quantum computations win in the first person limit, in arithmetic.

Monism imposes to embed the knower in the picture. Newton would have agreed that a physicist of mass m1 attracts a physicist of mass m2 following the law of gravitation, and many accept the idea that physics applies on physicists, and that is only what Everett did. Now, with Gödel's 1931 technic we can embed the mathematicians (or an approximation, without Mechanism) in arithmetic, and we can see that the monist and mechanist mind-body problem reduces into justifying physics from the experiences available in arithmetic of the universal (Turing) Machine. We keep monism, and get a very simple conceptual realm or reality, and then explains the experience by the lawfulness of arithmetic, as seen from inside using Gödel's definition of "belief" and its many intensional arithmetical or non arithmetical variants.


The​ ​Copenhagen​ ​people felt that was ​just ​too strange so they stuck stuff into their theory that the mathematics alone didn't say, as a result they got rid of one form of weirdness, the multiverse, but inadvertently created two new forms of weirdness: the future can effect the past and things only exist when you look at them. There is just no way to stamp out the weird from the quantum world and be consistent with experiment.

​> ​And the gambler cranking it? And the casino? And the city where the casino is resident? And Andromeda, and beyond, up to and including the BB?

​Yes, and that raises ​another question, how can the MWI produce finite probabilities if infinite numbers are involved? To make matters even worse the infinite numbers involved are not even countable. The answer is not all those universes change the probability.

If I paint a number of disks on a wall of various diameters then put a blindfold on and throw darts at the wall there are a uncountably​ ​infinite number of points that dart could hit, but my eye is not perfect so there are only a finite number spots on that wall that I can consciously distinguish​,​ and there are more of those spots in the large disks than the small ones so there are more distinguishable versions of me seeing the dart hit the larger disk than the smaller.

To get back to the slot machine,​ ​if​ the​ Schrodinger​ Wave is correct ​there are more than 10 million versions of me looking at that slot machine, infinitely more in fact, but the version of me where a pebble on a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy is a quarter inch to the left is not consciously discernible by me from a universe where the pebble is a quarter inch to the right, and so when I consciously calculate probabilities the two ​universes ​ can be lumped together.​

 John K Clark​

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