On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 9:57 PM, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>> ​>> ​
>> I've been asking all along exactly what is it that collapses the wave
>> function. If its not an observer and its not a measurement and its not
>> consciousness then what is it?
> ​> ​
> It is interaction with something with lots degrees of freedom

​In other words a change, a difference.​

​That works for me and it works for manny worlds too.​ It would not violate
the laws of physics if a photon went through either slit, so the universe
splits, in one universe it goes through the left slit in the other it goes
through the right. Normally the universes stay split because they stay
different and the 2 photons continue on into infinite space, but if you put
up a photographic plate after passing the slits it hits the plate and so no
longer exists in either universe, so there is no longer a difference
between universes so they merge back together. That act of splitting and
then coming back together makes the interference pattern.

 If you want to strip "measurement" and "observation" back to their
absolute minimal essential you arrive at a simple change, and that would be
fine but then in effect you've just turned Copenhagen into Many Worlds.

​> ​
> I pointed out that is inconsistent with SWE to say that anything possible
> actually happens.  "Possible" needs to be qualified.  For example the SWE
> in a Young's slit experiment tells you that the probability of a particle
> striking the detector is zero at some places.  It's logically possible for
> a particle to strike there, but not nomologically possible.

​I'm talking about physics not mathematics. ​

​As far as I know ​
​there would be no logical inconsistency if Newtonian physics (but not
Aristotelian  ​physics) was the only physics there is, but that's not the
way things are so we need Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.

 John K Clark

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