On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 7:37 PM, <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

​>> ​
> Everett wrote his paper in 1952 and Tegmark presented his claims many
> decades later. The only thing they have in common is the claim of many
> universes,

​*I've read Tegmark and you haven't and I can tell you that Tegmark agrees
with everything Everett wrote back in 1957 (not 1952) and so do I. Tegmark
then goes even further than Everett, probably a little too far I think.​*

> ​>​
>  as I have stated many times, the concept of multiple worlds arises in
> different contexts,

*​I know, one came from trying to understand quantum weirdness, another
from string theory, and yet another from inflation theory. On the surface
the 3 don't seem to have anything to do with each other but as I have
stated many times  the fact that all 3 came up with something very similar
gives strength to the argument; why you think that makes the case for a
multiverse weaker is beyond me. *  ​

> ​>> ​
>> ​*Forget measurement! Measurement has nothing to do with the MWI,*
> ​> ​
> It surely does, except that the word "measurement" is a no-no for MWI
> enthusiasts.

​*Many Worlds has no need to explain what a measurement or a observation
is, it only needs to explain what a change or a difference is, and that is
a far easier task. ​*

> ​> ​
> For example, in MWI we have an SG device and an electron going through its
> magnetic field and registering UP or DN.

​*When an electron encounters a *
*Stern Gerlach magnet​ the laws of physics do not forbid the electron
turning left, and ​the laws of physics do not forbid the electron turning​
right either, what is not forbidden ​is mandatory therefore the electron
does both. Going left is different from going right so the universe splits.
The only reason you see the electron do one and only one thing is that you
are part of the universe so you split just like everything else; there is
nothing special about you, the fact that you are conscious has nothing to
do with it.*

*​If that is not what happens, if the universe doesn't split when the laws
of physics allows 2 different things to happen then the Schrodinger Wave
Equation as it is currently written is incorrect and
additional mathematical terms would have to be added, including ones that
represent consciousness. Even if this could be done (and I can't imagine
how) there would be no point in doing so because at the end of the
calculation the additional mathematical baggage would not produce a
different answer than the one the unmodified equation we use now does. Both
would give answers that we know from experiment to be true but one is much
simpler than the other. So use the simpler one! I like Occam's razor,
quantum mechanics is complicated enough as it is so I see no point in
introducing more mathematics if the additional math is just wheels within
wheels that ends up doing nothing.*

> ​> ​
> as I explained several times, consciousness is NOT involved in
> "collapsing" the wf,

*​How can a observation be made if nothing it doing the observing, and how
can something observe a thing but not be conscious of it?  Well let''s see​
maybe there is a way​, there could be a very simple machine that punches​ a
hole in a tape i​f​ it detects a electron going left after interacting with
a SG ​​magnet but doesn't ​punch a hole ​if ​the electron ​​goes right​.
​Consciousness would not be involved with that because the machine would be
​much ​too simple​ for that​, you could say the important thing is not
consciousness but merely the fact that a record was made of the
interaction. That would be fine but you can't make a record without making
a change in something​,​ ​a hole in a tape is different from a tape with no
hole, and so were ​right ​back to Many Worlds.*

​> ​
> If Joe the Plumber (who gained fame in a recent presidential election in
> some well publicized interviews) goes into a lab and does a simple double
> slit experiment with a SINGLE outcome and then leaves the casino, there is
> a cascading, metastasizing numbers of universes which in time can EXCEED
> that large number, indeed any larger number.

*I freely admit that 10^500​ is a smaller number than infinity, but I do
not admit that Joe​ the Plumber has the ability to discern an 10^500
different versions of reality. And by the way, the only reason string
theory came up with 10^500 and not a infinite number is because it assumes
that neither space nor time is continuous, but nobody knows if that
assumption is valid.*

​> ​
> Moreover, these universes have the SAME fundamental constants and differ
> only in the outcome attained in each universe. String theory posits
> DIFFERENT fundamental constants for its claim of 10^500 universes in the
> Landscape.

If string theory posits universes with different
​ laws of physics it certainly posits ​universes with the same laws of
physics, and the same would be true of the Eternal Inflation Multiverse.
And if the Multiverse is infinite and number of atoms in your body is
finite then there is a finite number of ways those atoms can be arranged,
so if you ventured far enough into it you would eventually meet your
identical copy,  Max Tegmark has calculated that distance and its
​meters. If you went
10^10^92 meters away (a number with more zeros than the number of atoms in
the observable universe) you'd reach a region identical to a 100 light year
radius sphere that is centered on you right now, and if you went
​10^10^128 meters​
​ you'd reach a region of the Multiverse that is identical to the
observable universe we're in right now. People have been talking about
a infinite universe for centuries but the implications of it turn out to be
very much like ​


​> ​
> Not my comment. It's what Bruce wrote. Same for the next comment you
> reproduced. AG

*​Sorry. In the endless cascade of quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes​ of
quotes of quotes of quotes of quotes​ that we always see around here when
threads get long its easy to get attribution wrong. *

* John K Clark*

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