On Friday, March 16, 2018 at 11:08:16 AM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
> On 3/16/2018 4:57 AM, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
> The point is not that neurological processes can't be modeled using 
> biophysical algorithms. Below is a neural circuit diagram that illustrates 
> a feedback structure. These neurons could be replaced by flip flop systems 
> and other electronic. In that way this system could be modeled. My main 
> point is there is a distinction between the territory and the map. Feynman 
> also made the quip that simulation is like masturbation; it is fine until 
> you start thinking it is the real thing.
> LC
> But isn't consciousness different?  A simulation and the real thing must 
> be identical if "the real thing" is information processing.
> Brent

I certainly would not bet my life on this. I would not voluntarily 
terminate my life early with the idea computational brain states can be 
mapped into a computer. Is consciousness something capture in the 
Church-Turing thesis? That to me is a very problematic assumption. 

I give it half a chance this will go the way the cyrogenic movement went. 
In the 1970s there was a big hype about preserving bodies in liquid 
nitrogen with the idea of reviving them. There were some clients, but the 
whole thing hit the reef financially and with growing criticisms about the 
scientific and medical efficacy of this the bodies were eventually buried. 
There have been follow on programs with this, but I think it has few takers.

In 20 years in my 70s I might prefer to do things, even gaze at sunsets 
etc, rather than cast another 10 to 20 years of life onto this promise I 
will "rise again." For all I know this could just end up as a big hustle 
where there are those who take my money and I and up as worm food anyway.


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