From: < <>>
On Monday, April 23, 2018 at 7:38:30 PM UTC, <> wrote:

    On Monday, April 23, 2018 at 1:20:05 PM UTC,

        On Monday, April 23, 2018 at 8:58:53 AM UTC, Bruce wrote:

            From: <>

            On Monday, April 23, 2018 at 5:53:59 AM UTC, Bruce wrote:

                From: <>

                Let's agree that electrons A and B form a singlet
                entangled system. Let's further agree that they are
                non separable. What do you do with the fact that
                when their spins are measured, they ARE in different
                spatial locations, not even space separated in Bell
                experiments. How do we deal with this FACT? AG

                What do you want me to do with the fact? I learn to
                live with facts that I can't do anything about. The
                fact that the system is non-local is a fact that you
                just have to come to terms with.


            *ISTM that when you have a theory that seems correct and
            in some sense is well tested, but there are facts which
            contradict it, in this case a key fact right in front of
            your nose which contradicts it -- the fact that we see as
            plain as daylight that the subsystems as spatially
            separated -- invariably the theory must be wrong. AG*

            I wish you luck with your project to prove quantum
            mechanics wrong.


        *Right now I have a more modest goal. Starting from the
        postulates of QM, how do you justify writing the wf of the
        singlet state as a superposition of tensor product states? TIA
        AG *

    *What it's not. It's not the SWE. It's not Born's Rule. It's not
    the operator correspondence with observables. AG *

*I suppose it could be traced to the superposition principle; that the state vector of the singlet state is a linear combination of the states which are members of the corresponding Hilbert space of the system. But why are these states tensor product states? AG*

Why try worrying these things out for yourself? The easiest thing is to go and look up a text book.


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