> On 22 Apr 2018, at 18:04, Lawrence Crowell <goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> With a T a theory that admits diagonalization and for Bew(x) a formula with a 
> free x,.we have 
> ├_T S ↔ Bew(gn(S)).
> The Löb theorem involves the diagonalization in T D(x,y) such that for any 
> D(x,y) = k is the Gödel number diag(x) = k and y = k. This corresponds I 
> think to the φ_u(x,y). It is some algebra to show this leads to the equation 
> above.
> The  Löb theorem if├_T Bew(gn(S)) → S then├_T S has parallels with the modal 
> logical
> □(□S → S) →  □S,
> which is a way of saying that if □S → S then S.

It is a way of saying that if □S → S is *provable*, then S is provable. 

> This is a fancy way of just saying that if a statement S is provable then S 
> holds. 


The Löb formula says the contrary. It says for example with S = f (false), that 
if the machine is consistent (~provable(f), i.e []f -> f), then f is provable. 
So if the machine is could prove []f -> f it would prove f and be inconsistent.

> In part this corroborates with what you write. I would say the axiom of 
> reflection, if I recall the name for it,  □S → S is usually thought of as an 
> axiom.

It is an axiom of the soul (SAGrz) and of the Noùs (G*), but the machine cannot 
prove it. That is why we can apply the idea of Theaetetus. As typically []p -> 
p is not provable, it makes sense to define knowledge by “[]p & p”, like in 
Plato. That gives a modal logic of knowledge, but by Tarski (and variants), 
that cannot be defined by the machine, which is nice, as it confirms Brouwer 
theory of the mental.

> In the  Löb theorem we appear to have instances where maybe this might not 
> hold.

Not maybe. Certainly. Typical cases []f -> f is not provable. []<>[]f -> <>[]f 
is not provable, etc.

> If we think of the complement, with ¬ = NOT, is
> ¬□S → ¬□(□S → S) 
> equal to
> ¬□¬¬S → ¬□¬¬(□S → S) 

> or for ¬□¬ = ◊, non necessarily not = possibly, we then have
> ◊¬S → ◊¬(□S → S) or
> ◊¬S → ◊(¬S → ¬□S)      

(that line will be false when we do the sigma_1 restriction!)

> ◊¬S → ◊(¬S → ◊¬S)

OK. That is almost the dual presentation of Löb’s formula, but it will not work 
on the sigma_1 (semi-computable) restriction.

Here, out of that restriction, you could use ~S instead of S, so that you have  
◊S → ◊(S → ◊S)   

> with the conclusion that ¬S → (¬S → ◊¬S). The ◊ = possibly means we have an 
> open door of sorts. We do not have the falsity of S implying logically some 
> proof thereof.

This means that incompleteness entails the platonic nuances []p & p, []p & <>p, 
… That plays a key role in the derivation of physics from arithmetic (as 
imposed by Digital Mechanism).


> LC
> On Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 12:11:35 PM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Somewhere: (and I copy my answer, as some people asked me this in this list 
> too).
>> What are Lobian numbers? Can you give a reference? I know little bit about 
>> Godel’s work.
> Consider any Turing universal machinery, for example the programming language 
> c++. 
> N is the set of natural numbers.
> It is known that the enumeration of all programs computing a (perhaps not 
> everywhere defined) function from N to N exists, and so we get a list of all 
> partial computable function phi_i from N to N. (i.e. phi_0, phi_1, phi_2, …), 
> by enumerating the program with one natural number argument) written in C++, 
> in their lexico-graphical order (length, and alphabetical for the programs 
> with the same length).
> We can define a universal number as a number u such that phI_u(x, y) = 
> phi_x(y). We say that u implements x on y. (It is a constructive definition 
> of a computer in the language of the computer).
> Now, once we have a universal number, we can transform/extend it into a 
> theory, which is the first order logical specification of how u operates. 
> That is a standard mapping from, say, c++ to a Turing universal logical 
> theory. 
> I assume we have done that, so now I say that a universal number is Löbian 
> when it has enough induction axioms (added to its logical specification) so 
> that it can prove enough of some special formula. 
> If “[]” represents the provability predicate (Gödel 1931)of some first order 
> Turing universal theory/number, Löbian means that it can prove p -> []p for 
> all p equivalent with a semi-computable predicate known as sigma_1 
> predicate). In fact “p -> []p” is equivalent with Turing universality, and if 
> a Universal can prove this for all p sigma_1, it will not only be Turing 
> universal, but it will know (in some technical sense) that it is Turing 
> Universal.
> “[]” itself is sigma_1, which entails that []p -> [][]p is provable.
> Those corresponds to what is called “sufficiently rich theories” (for proving 
> their own incompleteness theorem).
> Löbianity appears when you add to:
> 0 ≠ s(x)
> s(x) = s(y) -> x = y
> x = 0 v Ey(x = s(y))    
> x+0 = x
> x+s(y) = s(x+y)
> x*0=0
> x*s(y)=(x*y)+x,
> The induction axioms:
> (F(0) & Ax(F(x) -> F(s(x))) -> AxF(x), with F(x) being a formula in the 
> arithmetical language (with "0, s, +, *)
> F being a formula belonging to some set of formula. If you limit F to the 
> recursive, sigma_0, formula, you don’t get Löbianity, unless you add the 
> exponentiation axioms.
> You can (and I will) limit p to the sigma_1 sentences, the semi-computable 
> predicate/function. That is enough to get Löbianity, and inherit, in the 
> “ideal” sound case the “theology” of number/machine/combinator… beings.
> With p sigma_1 Universality means that p_>[]p is true, and Löbianity is when 
> the machine/number proves p -> []p for all p (sigma_1).
> []p -> p, although true (by definition of sound machine/number) remains 
> unprovable in general. Typically the Löbian machine cannot prove []f -> f.
> Peano is a Löbian theory/program/idea/machine/word<whatever Church-Turing 
> Universal).
> ZF too, much more “crazy machine” which believes in the axiom of infinity, 
> but then get doubt about the choice axioms!
> (As I stay in very elementary arithmetic (no induction axioms) I still 
> studies the web of Löbian dreams realised in the non Löbian reality.
> Provability is relative, but computability is absolute. Sigma_1 completeness, 
> that is the truth of p -> []p, for p sigma_1, is Turing universal.
> Löbianity is when the machine believes in enough induction axioms to prove p 
> -> []p for each p sigma_1. 
> It obeys to the modal logics of self-reference G and G*, which helps to 
> summarise the “theology” of the finite universal 
> number/machine/combinator/<whatever Church-Turing-Kleene-Post computable 
> universal system >.
> Best,
> Bruno
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