Brent:  I'm suspicious of these fantasy thought experiments. But however 
detailed it may be doesn't answer my question as to what it would mean to erase 
the welcher weg but not the memory that the weg was detected. I noted that this 
is not like a classical erasure of a memory because in this case the coherence 
is maintained, sowhen the welcher weg is erased there is no long any 
fact-of-the-matter as to which way it went. There is no fact-of-the-matter that 
it was detected to go left or right. So the "memory" if it exists, is a false 


<<Last year, Walther and his colleagues devised a way to measure the photon as 
it passes through the two gates without immediately changing what they know 
about it. They encode the result of the measurement in the photon itself, but 
do not read it out at the time. Because the photon goes through the whole 
circuit before it is detected and the measurement is revealed, that information 
can't be used to reconstruct the gate order. It's as if you asked someone to 
keep a record of how they feel during a trip and then relay the information to 
you later — so that you can't deduce exactly when and where they were when they 
wrote it down. As the Vienna researchers showed, this ignorance preserves the 
causal superposition. “We don't extract any information about the measurement 
result until the very end of the entire process, when the final readout takes 
place,” says Walther. “So the outcome of the measurement process, and the time 
when it was made, are hidden but still affect the final result.”>>

The specific experiment is here Not an easy 
read ... SWITCH, "causal witness", and so on

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