On 9/10/2018 2:11 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 9 Sep 2018, at 21:51, Philip Thrift <cloudver...@gmail.com <mailto:cloudver...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Sunday, September 9, 2018 at 10:04:20 AM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:

    On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 6:44 AM Bruno Marchal <mar...@ulb.ac.be
    <javascript:>> wrote:

            >>Nobody on this planet uses the term "Löbian machine"
            except you.

        >/It is just a more precise version of what popular books
        described by “sufficiently rich theory”./

    There is nothing precise about homemade slang used by nobody but you.

        /> There are many definition, but they are all equivalent./

    And there is nothing profound about a definition, it's easy to
    define a perpetual motion machine but that doesn't mean they
    exist, I can define a Clark Machine as a machine that can solve
    the halting problem but that doesn't mean I have the any idea how
    to make one or can even show that such a thing could in principle

        />Any Turing complete theory of any universal machine, with
        sufficiently strong induction axiom (like sigma_1 induction)
         constitute a Löbian machine. /

    In the physical world induction is just a rule of thumb that
    usually works pretty well most of the time, but it seldom works
    perfectly and never works continuously, eventually it always fails.

            >>Turing explained exactly precisely how to build one of
            his machines but you have never given the slightest hint
            of how to build a "Löbian machine" or even clearly
explained what it can compute that a Turing Machine can’t.



        >/That means just that you need to go being step 3 in my thesis,/

    Step 3? Ah yes I remember now, that's the one with wall to wall
    personal pronouns without a single clear referent in the entire

        > /The notion of Löbian machine is easy to construct,/

    The notion of a Perpetual Motion machine is also easy to
    construct as is the Clark Machine that can solve the Halting
    Problem, but Turing did far more than dream up a magical
    universal calculating machine, he showed exactly how to make one.
    But we're not as smart as Turing, I can't do that with my Clark
    Machine and you can't do that with your Löbian machine.

        /> and the mathematical reality is full of example of Löbian
        machine, and Löbian god/

    Löbian machine,  Löbian god, the propositional part of the
    theology .... tell me, have you ever wondered why so manypeople
    fail to take you seriously?

        />A Lpobian machine is just a universal machine capable of
        proving its own universality./

    I have no trouble believing a universal machine is universal, but
    no Turing Machine can in general prove it will halt and but no
    machine of any sort, or anything else for that matter, can prove
    its own consistency unless it is inconsistent.

        > Why do you want it to be able to do what a god can do?

    Odd question, who wouldn't want to do what a God can do? But if
    God can solve the Halting Problem then He can also make a rock so
    heavy He can't lift it.

            >>How would things be different if "the propositional part
of the theology" were not decidable?

        >/Solovay theorem would be false, and the subject of machine
        theology would be far more complex.

    Idon't know if that's true or not because "machine theology" is
    more of your homemade gibberish, just like "the propositional
    part of the theology".

        > /Note that the theology of machine has highly undecidable at
        the first order level./

    And I don't know if that is true or not either because "the
    theology of machine" is yet more of your patented homemade baby

    John K Clark

The only relevant "physical" theory I know about and is discussed widely is in terms of *relativistic computers* (which probably most think are forever merely fictional).

  Relativistic computers and the Turing barrier



/We examine the current status of the physical version of the Church-Turing Thesis (PhCT for short) in view of latest developments in spacetime theory. This also amounts to investigating the status of hypercomputation in view of latest results on spacetime. We agree with [D. Deutsch, A. Ekert, R. Lupacchini, Machines, logic and quantum physics, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (3) (2000) 265–283] that PhCT is not only a conjecture of mathematics but rather a conjecture of a combination of theoretical physics, mathematics and, in some sense, cosmology. Since the idea of computability is intimately connected with the nature of time, relevance of spacetime theory seems to be unquestionable. We will see that recent developments in spacetime theory show that temporal developments may exhibit features that traditionally seemed impossible or absurd. We will see that recent results point in the direction that the possibility of artificial systems computing non-Turing computable functions may be consistent with spacetime theory. All these trigger new open questions and new research directions for spacetime theory, cosmology, and computability./

- pt

I can argue that the Church-Turing thesis entails the falsity of the physical Church-Turing thesis, even without postulating Mechanism. If we are machine, then we can exploit the computations which supports us below our substitution level to mimic in real time processes which are not rulable in real time by any classical computer.

It is confusing that you use "machine" to mean Turing machine, not a physical device.   I think you are saying a classical computer, real or virtual, can run a simulation of a world in which hypercomputation is possible...although with arbitrarily great slow done relative to simulated "real time".   But is that possible within arithmetic?  Can the universal Diophantine equation emulate a hypercomputer?

Might say more on this if asked. That has been explained already in this list more than once. Deutsch assume a primitive physical reality. That is coherent with the CT part of mechanism, but not the YD part (the yes doctor, the first person indeterminacy). Mechanism is CT + YD. It leads to a constructive reduction of the mind-body problem to a deduction of the laws of physics from machine theology or machine self-reference if you prefer. And its works, the physics deduced until now, even if quite modest, is already enough quantum like to cast light on the origin of the measure on the computation/sigma_1 sentences.



Not yet that much as to be able to derive Gleason theorem, though, but that is just complicated. To refute mechanism, we should have a proof that such measure does not exist.


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