On 9/12/2018 1:50 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 11 Sep 2018, at 19:38, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

On 9/11/2018 2:13 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Can the universal Diophantine equation emulate a hypercomputer?

Might say more on this if asked. That has been explained already in this list 
more than once. Deutsch assume a primitive physical reality. That is coherent 
with the CT part of mechanism, but not the YD part (the yes doctor, the first 
person indeterminacy). Mechanism is CT + YD. It leads to a constructive 
reduction of the mind-body problem to a deduction of the laws of physics from 
machine theology or machine self-reference if you prefer. And its works, the 
physics deduced until now, even if quite modest, is already enough quantum like 
to cast light on the origin of the measure on the computation/sigma_1 sentences.
Please, elaborate. Once you grasp that mechanism entails we are emulated in 
infinitely many computations in arithmetic, I don’t see how any of this can be 
Understanding something isn't the same as believing it.

Yes, you can always add invisible horse. Understanding something and 
disbelieving it is fraud, or mockery of Occam razor.

I understand that Sherlock Holmes lived on Baker Street.

So you believe in Sherlock Holmes, for example as a hero of fiction novel.

If you believe that there is something like a physical universe, or a any god 
or ontology, capable of selecting a computation in arithmetic, you need to 
explain what it is, and how it does that trick.
I don't believe there are computations in arithmetic, because I don't believe 
arithmetic exists.
“Arithmetic exists “ is ambiguous. Do you mean a theory or the model?

Indeed.  The theory is like a story that more than one model satisfies.  So which model do you think exists and in what sense?...just in the sense of fitting the story?

The question is more, do you believe that 45 is odd? Do you believe in prime 
numbers?  Do you believe in equation?

Yes, just like I believe Sherlock Holmes lived on Baker Street.

Did you take your kids out fo school when they are taught elementary arithmetic?

No.  I let them read Sherlock Holmes too.


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