> On 18 Sep 2018, at 19:03, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 12:52 AM Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net 
> <mailto:meeke...@verizon.net>> wrote:
> >Is that even relevant.  Brains are presumably psuedo-classical objects.  But 
> >they can't be strictly classical, so it seems likely that it is impossible 
> >to exactly duplicate a brain. 
> Brains can't be duplicated exactly nor can any physical object, but mind is 
> not a physical object and if mind works on digital principles, and I think it 
> must, then mind could theoretically be duplicated exactly. If the duplication 
> was not perfect, if it was way way off then it COULD feel the split, the copy 
> would say to itself, "something just changed, I feel very differently than I 
> did 2 seconds ago", and he probably wouldn't like the change because 
> imprecise copies are usually (but not always) worse than the original not 
> better. 
> > So there will be a quick diveregence at the quantum level and that will 
> > eventually (30sec ?) be amplified to some classical/computational 
> > difference. 
> That's true but I don't see the relevance of randomness (aka a event without 
> a cause) if your talking about intelligence, consciousness or self 
> determination. It's as if on rare and random times for no reason whatsoever a 
> Turing Machine prints a 0 when the rules say it should have printed a 1. 
> > But no matter how great the difference there's no reason to suppose "the 
> > split" will be "felt".
> I agree, provided the digital data was copied perfectly or near perfectly.

Good. That entails easily the FPI (First Person Indeterminacy).


> John K Clark
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