
as I see it, my ontology, whose relational aspect is defined by the 
relation of similarity (and its special kinds - instantiation and 
composition), includes your ontology, because pure set theory includes 
arithmetic. You may be right that arithmetic is sufficient to define 
physics but reality may also contain more than arithmetic. On the other 
hand, if I understand Godel's second incompleteness theorem correctly, as 
far as the relational/mathematical aspect of reality is concerned, we will 
never be able to prove that there exists more than arithmetic (because we 
will never be able to prove that it is consistent). And if we are not able 
to interact with infinite objects, we will never be able to observe them 

But I don't see a reason to exclude infinite objects from existence. Some 
say that an infinite collection can never be "completed", as if 
mathematical objects are created by some kind of *process *that must reach 
completion*. *They are not created by a process; they exist timelessly; 
there is nothing to complete. Only inconsistency would prevent their 

You said you don't really believe in sets. But a set is just a combination 
of objects, where the combination is another object, isn't it? Everything 
you see around you is structurally a set.

About category theory vs. set theory, this is how I understand it: more 
general (more abstract) mathematical objects are instantiated in more 
specific mathematical objects (e.g. "geometric object" is instantiated in 
"triangle") and ultimately in concrete mathematical objects (e.g. in 
concrete triangles), which are not instantiated in anything else. (Those 
objects that can be instantiated in other objects are also called 
properties.) All concrete objects are concrete collections, that is, 
collections of concrete objects, so all mathematical objects are ultimately 
instantiated in concrete collections. This fact is used in set theory, 
where every mathematical object is represented as a collection (set), and 
that's how set theory can be a foundation of mathematics. The collections 
referred to in set theory are not concrete collections though but abstract 
collections (generalized collections), because differences between concrete 
collections of the same kind are not relevant for mathematical purposes. So 
for example, set theory does not refer to concrete empty sets but to one 
abstract empty set (which is instantiated in all concrete empty sets). 
(Although I have also heard of the extension of set theory to so-called 
"multiset" theory, which admits copies (instances) of the same object as 
distinct members of a set.)

The approach of category theory is not to represent mathematical objects as 
collections but to study similarities (morphisms) directly between 
mathematical objects themselves. Collections, there, are treated just as 
one of many kinds of mathematical objects.

About qualia, some time ago I imagined that maybe Godel sentences could 
explain qualia, as Godel sentences depend on an axiomatic system and yet 
cannot be proved from that system, similarly like qualia seem to depend on 
a neural system and yet cannot be proved from it. But then I grew skeptical 
of this idea because it seemed to me that numbers will always be just 
numbers, even if they are infinitely big, and an infinitely big number may 
be beyond our grasp in a sense but it will not somehow turn into red color, 
for example. Gradually I started to lean to the idea that numbers and 
mathematics in general are about the relation of similarity; that 
mathematics basically says that something is similar to something else but 
never says what that "something" is. So now it seems more plausible to me 
that qualia are those "somethings" that stand in similarity relations. 
Russellian monism is a similar explanation of qualia.

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