On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 1:45 PM Tomas Pales <litewav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *How close do atoms or subatomic particles come to each other when they
> collide in particle accelerators? Is the distance between them far from
> Planck scale at the moment of collision?*

Nowhere near close enough. The radius of a atom is about 10^-9 meters, a
proton is a million times smaller at 10-15 meters, but the Planck length is
10-35 meters a hundred billion billion smaller than a proton. Take the
smallest speck of dust you can see without a microscope and enlarge it to
the size of the observable universe, within that universe the Plank length
would be the smallest thing you could see without a microscope.

John K Clark

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