On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 7:04 PM, Bruce Kellett<bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 12:43 PM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 8:42 PM Lawrence Crowell 
<goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> all the radiation emitted is entangled with the black hole, which would then 
> mean the entanglement entropy increases beyond the Bekenstein bound. 

Could nature be trying to tell us that the Bekenstein bound is simply wrong and 
spacetime is contentious and can store information at scales even smaller than 
the Planck area? After all as far as I know there is no experimental evidence 
the Bekenstein bound exists or that spacetime ends when things get smaller than 
10^-35 meters.

Points that I have made many times, here and elsewhere. No one is listening, it 
would appear. Actually, though, Penrose has worked this out for himself. See 
"Roads to Reality".
Speaking to this there exists some tantalizing indirect measured evidence for 
the the scale of any structure of spacetime. An ESA satellite (luckily captured 
a distant gamma ray burster event) and was able measure a very powerful and 
also very distant gamma-ray burster across multiple different frequencies as it 
happened -- capturing signal data from gamma ray to x-ray, ultraviet, visible 
light, infrared and various radio frequencies) and using this data was able to 
experimentally establish that spacetime is in fact smooth -- e.g. not pixelated 
-- down to scales far smaller than the Planck scale. 
Even though we cannot directly measure anything at this exceedingly small scale 
(it would require an atom smasher as big as our galaxy) this elegant experiment 
leveraged the more than 9 billion light years that light from this event 
travelled through spacetime in order to reach us 9 billion years later to infer 
these conclusions excluding the possibility of spacetime being pixelated at 
planck scale and even to a degree far smaller than the planck scale. 
The 9 billion light years these various frequency photons travelled was itself 
used as a kind of lever to deduce that which we cannot know directly. 
Basically, if I recall, it was based on the assumption that measurable 
properties of photons ( forget which one exactly) would over vast distances 
become subtly affected by repeatedly crossing pixel boundaries at many various 
pixelation scales of spacetime, which were one by one excluded down to some 
incredibly small scale (if I recall like a trillion times smaller than the 
Planck scale).So far I have not heard of any falsification of the results of 
this experimental measurements. 
Chris de Morsella ----------------

John K Clark

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