1) Rover doesn't know anything, since knowing is a property of 
consciousness. Rover doesn't have a model of the world, since having a 
model of the world means being aware of a world, and awareness is a 
property of consciousness. What does "Rover is represented by itself" even 
mean ? I think what you're doing now is to talk about properties that you, 
as a consciousness, have them, and carelessly starting to attribute those 
properties to lifeless objects. I would suggest a more rigorous thinking 
process. Don't haste in applying concepts where they don't belong.

2) Is it you that don't understand the meaning of self-reference, that's 
why you fail to understand its usage. Self-reference is not "a ghost in the 
machine", but is an eternal logical structure that is the source of all 
existence. By employing its eternal property of looking-back-at-itself, 
self-reference finds objects in itself and gives birth to all the 
consciousnesses in the world.

On Wednesday, 17 April 2019 06:03:34 UTC+3, Brent wrote:
> 1)
I take your point.  But I think the difference is only one of degree.  In 
> my example the Rover knows where it is, lat and long and topology.   That 
> entails having a model of the world, admittedly simple, in which the Rover 
> is represented by itself.  
> 2)
I would also say that I think far too much importance is attached to 
> self-reference.  It's just a part of intelligence to run "simulations" in 
> trying to foresee the consequences of potential actions.  The simulation 
> must generally include the actor at some level.  It's not some mysterious 
> property raising up a ghost in the machine.
> Brent

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