On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 6:31 PM Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au>

> On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 12:06:32PM -0500, Jason Resch wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for the background and explanation.  Is it the case then that any
> > undecidable (creative?) set is a compact description of universal
> dovetailing?
> > Would Chaitin's constant also qualify as a compact description of the
> universal
> > dovetailing (though being a single real number, rather than a set of
> rational
> > complex points)?
> >
> Related to this, on page 218 of Li and Vitanyi's "Introduction to
> Kolmogorov Complexity and it Applications", right under corollary 3.6.2 is
> the statement:
> "Moreover, for all axiomatic mathematical theories that can be
> extressed compactly enough to be conceivably interesting to human
> beings, say in fewer than 10,000 bits, [the first 10,000 bits of the
> Chatin probability Ω] can be used to decide for every statement in the
> theory whether it is the true, false or independent. ... Thus Ω is
> truly the number of Wisdom, and 'can be known of, but not known,
> through human reason' [C.H Bennett and M. Gardner, Sci
> Am. 241:11(1979),20-34]".
What an incredible and fascinating discovery/insight.  I couldn't
understand it at first but did some searching and reading and came across a
detailed explanation.  The quote above seems to be based on an earlier work
by Charles Bennett, in "On Random and Hard-to-Describe Numbers" (
).  In it I found another nice quote:

Throughout history philosophers and mystics have sought a compact key to
universal wisdom, a finite formula or text which, when known
and understood, would provide the answer to every question. The Bible, the
Koran, the mythical secret books of Hermes Trismegistus, and the medieval
Jewish Cabala have been so regarded. Sources of universal wisdom are
traditionally protected from casual use by being hard to find, hard to
understand when found, and dangerous to use, tending to answer more
and deeper questions than the user wishes to ask. Like God the esoteric
book is simple yet undescribable, omniscient, and transforms all who know
It. The use of classical texts to foretell mundane events is considered
superstitious nowadays, yet, in another sense, science is in quest of its
own Cabala, a concise set of natural laws which would explain all
phenomena. In mathematics, where no set of axioms can hope to prove all
true statements, the goal might be a concise axiomatization of all
“interesting” true statements.

Ω is in many senses a Cabalistic number. It can be known of, but not known,
through human reason. To know it in detail, one would have to accept its
uncomputable digit sequence on faith, like words of a sacred text. It
embodies an enormous amount of wisdom in a very small space, inasmuch as
its first few thousand digits, which could be written on a small piece of
paper, contain the answers to more mathematical questions than could be
written down in the entire universe, including all interesting finitely
refutable conjectures. Its wisdom is useless precisely because it is
universal: the only known way of extracting from Ω the solution to one
halting problem, say the Fermat conjecture, is by embarking on a vast
computation that would at the same time yield solutions to all other
equally simply-stated halting problems, a computation far too large to be
carried out in practice. Ironically, although Ω cannot be computed, it
might accidentally be generated by a random process, e.g. a series of coin
tosses, or an avalanche that left its digits spelled out in the pattern of
boulders on a mountainside. The initial few digits of Ω are thus probably
already recorded somewhere in the universe. Unfortunately, no mortal
discoverer of this treasure could verify its authenticity or make practical
use of it.


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