On 8/24/2019 1:35 PM, Jason Resch wrote:

    That seems more like the arithmetical explanation of the quantum
    indeterminacy. The thermodynamics would be more related to some
    identification of the length of a finite computation and its code.
    A short code leading to a long computation would contain more
    energy than a short code leading to a short computation, up to
    some constant. But the length of the computation is not enough,
    and it is better to use the depth of it (following Bennett). The
    UD would have infinite “energy", like arithmetic, but the program
    “10 GOTO 10” despite leading to an infinite computation has
    basically no energy at all.

Do you envision there being any special properties (for instance, in the amplifications of the measure) of those programs shorter than the dovetailer, in terms of their contribution to to the statistics of the machine psychology?

I'd like to know what the "statistics" are.  Given all these values floating around there can be infinitely many statistics formed.


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