On Sunday, September 8, 2019 at 1:48:41 PM UTC+2, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Let us discuss ideas, and if you disagree with one thing I say, it would 
> be nice to explain what. 

Why? So you can dismiss it until a Stanford entry is written for you to 
dismiss with the infamous correct scientific attitude we see advertised 
here in recent months? There are dozens of ways to refute the premisses of 
not one but many things you say. Assuming an albeit countable infinity of 
transcendental objects/properties ontologically, while accusing 
"physicalists" for assuming infinities maliciously for years... 

Which is it by the way? Do they assume such because a) they are evil or 
because b) they are stupid/naive? Or is it a superposition?

> I don’t see anything here that I could answer. It just ad hominem insult.

You're not interested in refutation or critical examination of ideas, 
except towards the extent you can control them. That's why everybody that 
doesn't play along is "ad hominem". And on this planet, in this life, even 
on this list, self-localized or not... that's a lot of ad hominem work for 
any warrior of truth. Bon courage as they say. PGC

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