On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 1:34 PM Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:


>>you can't answer the simplest questions concerning that. If 7 changes to
>> 8 does that mean the number 7 no longer exists? Are there now two integer
>> 8's and how can one be distinguished from the other?
> >> *Imagine a Turing machine that spit out the tape like a receipt and
> created a new copy to work on before it changed any bit on the tape. This
> machine is still universal is it not?  You could run a conscious AI on it,
> could you not?  What is the Turing machine changing? *

I don't get what you're driving at Jason.... the Turing Machine is made of
matter that obeys the laws of physics and the machine has moving parts. And
if it's going to make a copy of anything or even just read a tape the
machine is going to have to change the arrangement of parts. From the start
to the end lots and lots of things have changed.

> All states it reaches continue to exist unchanged.

What about the matter used to make the copies?

John K Clark

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