On Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 5:51 AM Lawrence Crowell <
goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This points to an objection to MWI. Quantum superpositions splitting in
> MWI, or somewhat equivalently the fluctuation/localization of a decoherent
> event, can be amplified. In the case of this quantum suicide argument the
> lottery ticket numbers assigned may have a quantum basis going back in
> time. Within MWI this means the world split long before the winning ticket
> was announced.

I don't see how that follows. All observers in the multiverse will say the
odds you will win the lottery tomorrow are one in 80 million, but if you
won today all observers in the multiverse will say that the odds you will
win the lottery were one in 80 million but somebody had to win and it
happened to be you. Most observers in the multiverse are looking at a
losing ticket today but you are not because you arranged things so that a
losing ticket causes you to stop existing, so you only exist in universes
where you're filthy rich. The universes where you didn't win still exist
but you are no longer in them. No backward causality is needed.

As for me... I think Many Worlds is probably more or less correct, but I
wouldn't stake my life on it.

 John K Clark

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