On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 08:22:40AM -0400, John Clark wrote:
> There is a rumor that a team of researchers at Google led by John Martinis 
> have
> performed a calculation on a Quantum Computer in three minutes and 20 seconds
>  that would have taken Summit, the most powerful conventional supercomputer in
> the world, 10,000 years to perform. The rumor started when a paper stating 
> that
> was posted by the Google team, apparently accidentally, on a NASA website and
> then quickly taken down. It's not clear exactly what the calculation was 
> about,
> they just said it “marks the first computation that can only be performed on a
> quantum processor". My guess is it was probably a weird function of some sort
> that would not be of much use to a scientist or engineer, but even so if true
> it would be a first proof of concept and be earthsharing. I suppose they want
> to check and recheck their work before they make a official announcement this
> important and that's why they took the article down.
>  John K Clark 

It is rather easy to say that one's optimised algorithm using special
purpose hardware performs better than some naive implementation
running on a conventional computer. It is not so easy to show that it
beats the pants off all possible algorithm running on the conventional

For example, it is often the case that some simple algorithm can be
parallelised, and run many times faster on a parallel computer,
however that there is also a more complicated algorithm that is
inherently serial, but actually runs faster than the paralellised one.

I have a feeling that may have happened here. But I look forward to a
proper demonstration of quantum supremacy.


Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Senior Research Fellow        hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
Economics, Kingston University         http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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