On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 10:29 PM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> On 6 Oct 2019, at 12:46, Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 6, 2019 at 7:23 PM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> On 5 Oct 2019, at 13:05, Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Let us start again. Consider the entangled singlet state that we have
>>> been talking about:
>>>     |psi> = (|+>|-> - |->|+>)/sqrt(2).
>>> This refers to two spacetime locations;
>>> You can’t at the start impose your own interpretation. You know that I
>>> disagree with this interpretation since the start.
>> For goodness sake, Bruno, what are you talking about? You cannot
>> 'disagree with this interpretation'. That is what the singlet state when
>> the particles have separated means.
>> Meaning = interpretation. There is no consensus how to interpret the
>> wave, even among “many-worlders”. Nothing is obvious here.
> I think that everyone (except you, perhaps), agrees that this equation for
> the entangled singlet state refers to two particles that might have
> arbitrary space-time separation. This might not be obvious to you, but it
> is to everyone else.
> Deustch interpret it as a continuum of worlds, like any quantum state, and
> they differentiate locally, as shown by using the Heisenberg picture.

Going to the Heisenberg picture does not change anything. The two particles
are still at different spacetime locations so the state is non-local. Even
Deutsch agrees with this.

> IMO, it is you who are special when thinking that the interpretation of
> the wave is obvious.
> Keep in mind that I never really leave Mechanism, so physics is not a
> science which describes reality, only the relatively observable.

Maybe it is your attachment to 'Mechanism' that is keeping you from
understanding the non-locality of the singlet state.


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