On Monday, October 14, 2019 at 10:51:03 AM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
> On 10/13/2019 9:10 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
> On Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 5:50:35 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote: 
>> On 10/13/2019 1:08 PM, Alan Grayson wrote: 
>> > What are YOU talking about? I just made a GUESS about the decoherence 
>> > time! Whatever it is, it doesn't change my conclusion. If there's a 
>> > uncertainty in time, are you claiming the cat can be alive and dead 
>> > during any duration?  Is this what decoherence theory offers? AG 
>> Yes, part of the cat can be alive and part dead over a period seconds.  
>> Or looked at another way, there is a transistion period in which the cat 
>> is both alive and dead. 
>> But the main point is that this time had nothing to do with 
>> Schroedinger's argument (he knew perfectly well the time of death was 
>> vague); his argument was that Bohr's interpretation implied that the cat 
>> was in a super-position of alive and dead from the time the box was 
>> closed until someone looked in. 
>> Brent 
> Agreed. Without decoherence, the cat would be in a superposition of
> alive and dead from the time the box was closed until someone opened
> it. With decoherence, it would be in that superposition for a very short
> time, the decoherence time, when it would be in state, |decayed>|dead>
> or |undecayed> |alive> before the box was opened, provided it was
> opened after the decoherence time. So, as I see it, decoherence just
> moves the "collapse" earlier, before the box is opened, and does not
> resolve S's problem with superposition. 
> True, but it resolves the problem about whether conscious observers are 
> necessary to "collapse" the wave function (or split the world). 

I think Feynman answer this question before the advent of decoherence 
theory. I recall reading his comments that an instrument was sufficient for 
observing a double slit experiment, and even destroying the interference if 
rigged to determine which-way. AG 

The idea of decoherence is that, it not carefully isolated, systems are 
> continuously "monitored" by the environment and so act classically.
> Here's a good analysis which casts the Schroedinger cat story into a 
> double slit-experiment.
> https://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.7612.pdf
> The cause of the problem, or
> paradox if you will, is the superposition interpretation of the radioactive
> source. AG  
> Yes, that's the problem.  The radioactive nucleus is effectively isolated 
> until it decays, after which it is not isolated...it has interacted with 
> the detector.  So in the MWI the system is splitting continuously into the 
> branch were the atom hasn't decayed and the branch where is has just 
> decayed and interacted with the environment.  The atom is in a 
> superposition of decayed and not decayed with amplitudes varying in time:   
> psi = sqrt[exp(-at)]|not decayed> +sqrt[1-expt(-at)]|decayed>  .

But isn't this superposition, interpreted to mean the source is in both 
states simultaneously before measurement, responsible for the paradox of a 
cat which is alive and dead simultaneously, even if for a very short time 
if decoherence is considered? If so, isn't this sufficient to question the 
validity of said interpretation? AG 

> Brent

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