On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 11:35 AM 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> On 10/20/2019 4:58 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
> I thought you might say this. OK, then what function does decoherence have
> in possibly solving the apparent paradox of a cat alive and dead
> simultaneously. TIA, AG
> It doesn't necessarily solve "that problem".  Rather it shows why you can
> never detect such a state, assuming you buy Zurek's idea of envariance.
> One way to look at it is it's the answer to Heisenberg's question: Where is
> the cut between the quantum and the classical?  Once envriance has acted,
> then the result is classical, i.e. you can ignore the other possibilities
> and renormalize the wave function.

And if Bruno adds "But the superposition never vanishes", I would ask him
to show me one situation in which this makes any difference at all. FAPP
means "For All Practical Purposes". If something has no practical purpose,
what actual use is it to physics? And we are doing physics here, after all.
Metaphysics is "all in your mind", and I can have different things in my
mind but still do physics.


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