On Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 1:43:54 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
> On 11/22/2019 11:15 PM, Philip Thrift wrote:
> *Epistemic interpretations of quantum theory have a measurement problem*
> Quantum Physics and Logic 2019 - https://qpl2019.org/ 
> https://qpl2019.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/QPL_2019_paper_2.pdf
> *We have demonstrated that state update under measurement poses a serious 
> challenge to ψ-epistemic interpretations of quantum theory in the 
> ontological models framework: all currently known ψ-epistemic models for 
> full quantum theory in d ≥ 3 cannot faithfully represent*
> *state update. This runs in direct contrast to the prevailing view that 
> ψ-epistemic models provide a compelling explanation of state update.*
> *Within the ontological models formalism, epistemic*
> *models can be given a precise mathematical definition*
> *called the ψ-epistemic criterion [22]. This precise criterion *
> *allows the possibility of conclusively ruling out this*
> *type of model. Outside of this framework, it is unlikely*
> *that ψ-epistemic models can be precluded with any kind*
> *of certainty; doxastic interpretations, for example, do not*
> *fit neatly into the ontological models framework and thus*
> *are not necessarily ruled out by these no-go theorems. *Which is why 
> QBism interprets the formalism as being about the beliefs of the person 
> using it.
> Brent


The usual story of Bell’s theorem is that it tells us the world must be 
nonlocal. That there really is spooky action at a distance. So they solved 
one mystery by adding a pretty damn big mystery! What is this nonlocality? 
Give me a full theory of it. My fellow QBists and I instead think that what 
Bell’s theorem really indicates is that *the outcomes of measurements are 
experiences, not revelations of something that’s already there*. 



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