It's a symptom of success.  Physics has done a good job of modeling everything within the scope of experiment and observation.  So now extending theories means going beyond what's testable; i.e. speculation.


On 4/29/2020 1:10 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:

Over the past few decades there is an explosion of people who think the "mathiest" math will help in advancing physics.

This is a typical example:

*Modern Physics formalized in Modal Homotopy Type Theory*

There are many other examples based on many other areas of advanced mathematics.

None of this stuff helps in understanding nature - supposedly what physics is about, or is any way useful in using physics in real applications (technology).

It can all be interesting pure mathematics, but actually worthless.

Actually it's worse than worthless, It suggests nature (or rather, the best code of nature we have so far) is this stuff.


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