everything-list@googlegroups.com Saturday, May 2, 2020 8:26 AM Subject: Re: The 
Observer & The Existence of Reality
[Bruno Marchal]
That [in red italics at the bottom] is a bit unclear to me. At least Einstein 
knew that Materialism, or the belief in a physical universe is a religious, 
mystical sort of belief. With mechanism, we can formulate the mind-bod problem 
into a testable theory, so let continue the testing, and let us do 
philosophy/metaphysics/theology (chose you favorite name for the fundamental 
science) with the scientific attitude. Bruno
[Philip Benjamin]
I recognize the difficulty here. The general tendency of the “educated” West is 
to treat all and everything alike, but that is far from the reality of things 
as they are, especially between the East and West as exemplified by the ballad 
of Rudyard Kipling. Perhaps, Einstein had his own mystical notions of reality, 
but that is distinctly different from Bohr’s Taoism. Yin-Yang has nothing to do 
with particle or wave. There was no need to change the de Broglie’s 
wave-likeness to Bohr’s waviness; the former is subject to an AS IF logic, the 
latter is a BOTH & fallacy. Furthermore. Bohr indulged in the circular 
reasoning of consciousness (of what?, of whose?) collapsing wavefunction (of 
what?, electrons?, nucleons?) which collapse then creates consciousness. He had 
already assigned the electrons to various predetermined “stationary orbits” or 
“energy levels”. They are all already collapsed everywhere, including the 
slits, into rock solid energy levels.
    Let me jump here to Augustine, the architect of Western civilization, 
completely ignored or detested by the WAMP. He was a Phoenician pagan 
profligate. His “consciousness” was instantly transformed by an event caused by 
“accidental” singing of children in a park 
 most likely unknown to Bohr who was also an indirect or incidental beneficiary 
of that “quickening”. How can any science account for that?
    Augustine bridged the gap between the wisdom of Athens (classical 
antiquity) with the Revelations of Jerusalem (Hebrew knowledge) and with the 
glory of Rome (City of God, 413–426/427, was written when the empire was under 
attack by Germanic pagan tribes with un-awakened consciousness,...). He did it 
by “baptizing” Platonic metaphysics, epistemology and ideas of “forms”, into 
the Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) as a source of absolute 
goodness and truth. If it were not so, Western science could never have 
originated or developed. Bohr probably would have been practicing Lotus Pose of 
Questions of aseity, infinite regress, origin, morals, meaning, eschaton etc. 
are not within the scope of any science. For Augustine and the West (not the 
WAMP) the buck stopped at Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural), 
not some nebulous Maya, or Moksha or Nirvana from which nobody ever returned to 
tell the truth!!
Philip Benjamin
On 1 May 2020, at 17:15, Philip Benjamin 
<medinucl...@hotmail.com<mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
[Philip Benjamin]
The WAMP (defined elsewhere below) has done it again with respect to the 
pandemic COVID-19. Here the observer (National Geographic) about New Zealand’s 
elimination of COVID-19 is completely devoid of reality and creates one’s own 
non-existent reality. That is typical of the WAMP and their captive audience of 
science challenged politicians, bureaucrats, journalists etc. The physicist 
Richard Feynman: “Nature does not know what you are looking at, and she behaves 
the way she is going to behave whether you bother to take down the data or not.”

OK, with “you” = a human. It is less obvious with “you” = a universal number, 
living in arithmetic (with or without oracles).
 From time immemorial the world had survived many pestilences by herd immunity. 
The West survived the Plague (Black Death), Spanish Flu (did not originate in 
Spain!) and Yellow Fever, without GIGO computer models of expert “pagans” with 
un-awakened, un-Augustinian consciousness! 

I am not sure a computer can really avoid this ...
Then the tools available were only commonsense, herd immunity, change of 
weather (higher temperature) etc. What is useful to about 5 million people of 
New Zealand (equivalent to 0.06% of the total world population) is not 
applicable to the whole world.
   Science is the pursuit of truth, not the truth itself.

OK. Sure!
It is observation, experimentation, analysis, and inference. No science is 
perfect, biological sciences are the least precise and perfect. Unfortunately 
many politicians, bureaucrats and journalists have become worshippers of the 
goddess of science.

That is what we call scientism. It is of course the opposite of science, which 
is mainly modesty (and not condescendent gfke modesty, but the modesty raised 
by genuine doubt and the spirit of research).

“The word science has become their ‘Abracadabra’ incantation. An un-awakened 
pagan consciousness is an easy victim of scientism.
The Western Civilization is (rather was) primarily Augustinian (who was once a 
Phoenician profligate and immoral pagan (Pan-Gaia-n, Mother Earth devotee) with 
un-awakened consciousness). America in particular is the product of “Two Great 
Awakenings” which are both historic and historical. Child prodigy Jonathan 
Edwards, founder of Princeton University,  was a leader of the first Awakening. 
Tao, TM. Yoga, spirit-guides, witchcraft, occultism, Freudian foibles, Jungian 
sorceries, voodoo etc., etc. have nothing to do with such awakenings of 
reptilian, kundalini, raw, “dead”, pagan consciousness into non-pagan 
“quickened” consciousness. The difference between the two is clearly manifested 
/ observed in the consciousness of Tao physicist Niels Bohr and the Puritan 
physicist Michel Faraday. Bohr’s philosophy was shunned by the eminent Alfred 
Einstein whose  favorite scientist was Faraday.

That is a bit unclear to me. At least Einstein knew that Materialism, or the 
belief in a physical universe is a religious, mystical sort of belief. With 
mechanism, we can formulate the mind-bod problem into a testable theory, so let 
continue the testing, and let us do philosophy/metaphysics/theology (chose you 
favorite name for the fundamental science) with the scientific attitude.


Philip Benjamin
       CC. Journalist Aaron Gulley.  Communication & Education Depts. NZ.

Definition of WAMP. The self-righteous, grubering, intolerant WAMP-the-Ingrate 
= Western Acade-Media Paganism (parody of WASP). Academedia (acade-media): The 
monstrous double headed hybrid of a small minority of all academics including 
seminarians and a large majority of all media including the Hollywood, with 
no-question-asked Marxist-like authoritarianism as their modus operandi. Based 
on the works of Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Ben Stein, Victor Mordecai, ex-Marxist 
David Horowitz

    When decoupled at death the bio dark-matter body will be relatively at a 
negative energy state by -E = mC^2 where m is the dead body mass. That will be 
the magnitude of the threshold external energy needed to raise the bio dark 
matter body to any functional state (Physical resurrection for example). In an 
early termination of pregnancy in humans, a durable and precocial bio 
dark-matter twin, co-created at the moment of conception, can survive the 
altricial light-matter twin.
Adapted from "Ten Implications of Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry"(ResearchGate) and 
"Spiritual  Body or Physical Spirit" Sunbury Press, by Philip Benjamin PhD MSc 

Aaron Gulley  National Geographic. 4-30-2020 
   “New Zealand has set an uncompromising, science-driven example. Though the 
country didn’t ban travel from China until February 3 (a day after the United 
States) and its trajectory of new cases looked out of control in mid-March, 
austerity measures seemingly have brought COVID-19 to heel.  New Zealand had 
set a course of eradicating COVID-19 from its shores, by cutting off the 
arrival of new cases and choking out existing ones with the restrictions. “We 
have the opportunity to do something no other country has achieved: elimination 
of the virus,” said Ardern at one of her daily briefings.
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2020 6:29 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: The Observer & The Existence of Reality

On 29 Apr 2020, at 16:12, Philip Benjamin 
<medinucl...@hotmail.com<mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

No, “the homogeneity of the CMB” tells NOTHING about causality, origin, 
meaning, morals, eschaton or infinite regress. It simply believes that CNB is 
homogeneous, that is all. What is MORE rational? Life-less CMB is aseitous and 
produce life? Or, INTELLIGENT LIFE is aseitous and create both dead matter, CMB 
and life? These issues are beyond the scope of any true Science which begins 
with observation and then proceed to experimentation, analysis and inferences.

That is right. Observation can refute a theory, but the theory is in our head, 
and with mechanism: it is in the head of all universal number, and it is a 
purely mathematical problem to extract it from there, and then we can compare 
to nature to refute (locally) the theory, but thanks to QM, mechanism is 
totally vindicated, up to now.


Philip Benjamin.

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Lawrence Crowell
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 8:36 PM
To: Everything List 
Subject: Re: The Observer & The Existence of Reality

On Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 10:00:35 AM UTC-5, medinuclear wrote:
[Philip Benjamin]
What logically coherent, empirically evident, experientially valid, answer can 
science or the WAMP give to the questions of aseity, causality, origin, 
meaning, morals, eschaton?
Philip Benjamin

It had some impact on causality and origin. The CMB is a remnant of big bang, 
which has some contact with origins. The homogeneity of the CMB tells us 
something about how in a primordial setting this was all in causal contact.  
The other 4 things are of course off the science chart.
From: everyth...@googlegroups.com<javascript:> 
<everyth...@googlegroups.com<javascript:>> On Behalf Of Lawrence Crowell
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 9:51 AM
To: Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups.com<javascript:>>
Subject: Re: The Observer & The Existence of Reality
 No it is not OK. Religion is based on the idea that truth is handed down by a 
divine authority.  LC



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