THC, like alcohol is a powerful agent, and does have some medicinal effects as 
noted. There are medical reasons pro and con to apply or avoid any drug. I am 
more impressed by the 50 thousand physicians around the globe who take it as a 
preventative, or at treatment for patients. If we lose sight over what may be 
effective, over ideological loyalty, then all we do is say, My religion won't 
allow it because Orange man Bad! If it doesn't work, then the hell with it, 
onward to better treatments and vaccines. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 31, 2020 9:19 am
Subject: Re: Sharpiegate

On 29 Jul 2020, at 14:00, John Clark <> wrote:
The following is from the July 10 issue of the journal Science and shows just 
how far Donald Trump is willing to corrupt science just so he doesn't have to 
admit he was wrong: 
NOAA watchdog chides agency for how it handled Hurricane Dorian’s ‘Sharpiegate’
And meanwhile just yesterday Trump was back on national television pushing a 
quack cure for COVID-19 (hydroxychloroquine) on millions of Americans and using 
as his "very impressive evidence" testimony of a doctor who believes facemasks 
are unnecessary, and many illnesses are caused by people having sex in their 
dreams with demons and witches, and the COVID-19 vaccines in development are 
made of DNA from space alien's demon sperm to make people less religious.  

The good doctor also believes the US government is not run by human beings but 
by creatures called "reptilians"... come to think of it ... she may not be 
entirely wrong on that last point.

Hmm… you might need to be more careful on this, because it is invalid to say 
that A is false because P asserts it using the fact that P said (many) false 
statements. You can certainly doubt it for that reason, but sometimes, some 
liars can say some truth.
About hydroxychloroquine, by taking an entire afternoon a while ago to Google 
on "countries, hydoxychloroquine chloroquine coronavirus covid-19", my current 
position is that the studies made in cannada might be right, and they 
corroborate most statements made by Didier Raoult in Marseilles ( guy who 
published 2000 papers and is well seen and listen by its peers). 
Hydroxychloroquine is not a panacea at all, but it eems slightly better than 
Remdesevir (used in the US). Also cannabis seems to be slightly better than 
hydroxychloroquine.It does seem that the countries using hydroxychlroquine (in 
fact almost all) manage better the crisis than those who did not, but it is 
hard to conclude anything definite, as many others factors are in play. I have 
no real opinion on this, but some talk like if they knew the “obvious truth”.
About Cannabis, the work by Mechoulam (the discovers of THC and of its agonist 
in the brain/immune system) shows that it is an immune-stimulant, as opposed to 
alcohol which is known since long to be an immune-depressant, in which case it 
is criminal to not inform the people on this during a pandemic. It is time to 
switch the recreative use of alcohol and cannabis!
I certainly doubt any statements about medication made by the FDA. They lie too 
much since too long, and indeed, I think that they are the one responsible for 
the arrival of Trump and that type of bandits who don’t even tray to hide their 
criminal conducts.

John K Clark
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