In a civilized place like Washington State it is legal for a terminally ill
person to end their life If they decide to do so. An ALCOR member decided
to do just that and employees of that organization we're on hand when he
died to make sure he could immediately get  the best possible preservation.
He left a message:

"*Although my life will have legally ended by the time you read this, I
don't consider my existence to be irrevocably ended…Cryonics is currently
the only possible bridge to the future…as my final day draws near, I tell
my children ‘Don't think of me as dead and gone forever. Instead think of
me as a lightbulb whose electrical current is switched off and no longer
shines.’ I tell them, ‘Someday maybe, just maybe, science will figure out a
way to flip that switch back on.*’”

 John K Clark

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