On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 5:15 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> Think of it like this: take a randomly shuffled deck of cards and hand
> one card from the deck to each of 52 people. The probability that one of
> the people will get the 3-of-Spades is one. *

If Many Worlds is correct then the probability that somebody named Bruce
Kellett who has memories and a personality identical with the person that
wrote the email this is a response to will get a 3 of spades is 1, and
the probability that somebody named Bruce Kellett who has memories and a
personality identical with the person that wrote the email this is a
response to will NOT get a 3 of spades is also 1 because in Many Worlds
everything that can happen, that doesn't violate the laws of physics, will

*> The probability that 'You' will get the 3-of-Spades in a fair shuffle is
> 1/52. *

If Many Worlds is correct then the above statement is OK if looked at from
a everyday strictly close up local perspective, but from a global viewpoint
it would be neither true nor false, it would be gibberish because the
personal pronoun is gibberish.

*> The difference is that you have identified yourself in advance. *

John Clark identifies "you" as anyone who has the memories and personality
of Bruce Kellett; there are an astronomical number of John Clark's, maybe
even an infinite number, but so far none of them have ever observed more
than one chunk of matter that has those characteristics. But there is no
reason in principle why that state of affairs couldn't change.

> *The dualist assumption is equivalent.*

That question would be better dealt with on a list about the martial arts
not this one.

John K Clark

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