On 1/20/2021 3:58 AM, John Clark wrote:
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 12:01 AM Alan Grayson <agrayson2...@gmail.com <mailto:agrayson2...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        >> No, there are *NOT*exactly 10 winners! There are an
        astronomical number to an astronomical power number horses
        that won that race with only a submicroscopic difference
        between them, and there are also an astronomical number to an
        astronomical power number of Alan Graysons that won his bet on
        that race.

    /> So instead of all possible outcomes being measured in some
    other world,/

Except for its simplicity the most important advantage of many worlds is that it doesn't have to explain what "measured" means, or what a "observer" means, or what a "choice" means because in many worlds ANY physical change of any sort causes the Universe to split.

That sounds like a bug not a feature.  Does every C14 decay in your body instantiate a different world?  Every photon that's absorbed by that chlorophyll molecule instead of that other molecule? As Bruno says, "World" and "Universe" become hard to define.  If you say "This universe." does it mean anything, even for a moment?  But it you can't give meaning to "This" how can you make sense of an experiment in which "This" evolves into "That"?  You need some way to talk about the quasi-classical world, because as Bohr noted, that's where we live and that's where science predicts things.


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