On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 8:54 AM Lawrence Crowell <
goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> There is nothing in Schrodinger's equation that says anything about the wave
>> collapsing, so Everett simply says it doesn't collapse and that means
>> you've got many worlds; it's bare-bones quantum mechanics that contains
>> everything that is required and not one more thing. If you don't like all
>> those worlds and want to get rid of them you've got to stick on some
>> additional bells and whistles to the equation that, other than get rid of
>> those many worlds, do nothing but make the equation more difficult to
>> solve.
> *> There are two main schools of thought on the wave function collapse;
> the wave function collapse is real or it is not. The GRW interpretation
> states there is with any quantum wave a fundamental phenomenon of collapse.
> The collapse occurs fundamentally by a stochastic rule.*

But GRW is a non relativistic theory, which means as currently stated it
can't be right, but Dirac managed to incorporate Special Relativity into
the standard Schrodinger equation as early as 1928 and Many World is
perfectly compatible with it. The "Shut Up And Calculate'' people should
note that Many Worlds is the simplest interpretation that explains all
current observations with no additional bells or whistles required.

> > *The MWI is an instance of that, where there is a splitting of the
> world according to different quantum amplitudes and an observer records
> data along two or more tracks. The observer enters into an entanglement
> with the system and what the observer records is in a sense "frame dragged"
> along each of those branches.*


> *> MWI has this splitting of worlds, where on the global level nothing
> really changes, but locally to an observer a change does happen. There is
> no mechanism for this splitting. *

But you just gave the mechanism for the splitting in the above, it clearly
explains when a splitting will occur and when it will not occur, and the
mechanism you describe is compatible with all known experimental results. I
don't know how much more you demand that an "explanation" provide.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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