On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 6:09 AM Lawrence Crowell <
goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I doubt quantum gravitation and consciousness have much to do with each
> other.

I could not agree with you more! About the only thing quantum gravity and
consciousness have in common is that they're both somewhat mysterious. The
biggest difference between the two is that the human race has made enormous
progress in understanding gravity over the centuries but precisely zero
progress in understanding consciousness. My hunch for the reason for that
is that there is simply nothing to understand; it's just a brute fact that
consciousness is the way data feels when it is being processed
intelligently. That would explain why Darwinian Evolution (random mutation
plus natural selection) bothered to make something conscious in the first
place, because although evolution can't see consciousness it can see
intelligent behavior. That's why I'm conscious, and that's probably why
you're conscious too; assuming that is that I'm not the only conscious
being in the universe, and I rather doubt that I am.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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