On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 8:14:31 PM UTC+1 meeke...@gmail.com wrote:

But before we can assess whether something has a consistent description we 
need to specify the description precisely. With a vague description we may 
be missing an inconsistency lurking somewhere in it or there may appear to 
be an inconsistency that is not really there. For example, if we try to 
describe a quantum object in terms of classical physics the description 
will not be precise enough and the assumptions inherent in those terms will 
be contradictory. The ideal description would reveal the complete structure 
of the object down to empty sets but we can't physically probe objects 
around us to that level.

I think that's a cheat.   It's not that classical physics was imprecise.  
> It was just wrong.  QM and Newtonian mechanics even have different 
> ontologies.  If you're wrong about the subject matter no amount of logic 
> will correct that.  Logic only explicates what is implicit in the 
> premises.  It's a cheat to appeal to an ideal description when you have no 
> way of producing such a description  or knowing if you have achieved it or 
> even knowing whether one exists .

It's not a cheat, it's a complete mathematical description. Every 
mathematical structure can be ultimately described as a pure set. Classical 
physics and quantum physics have not been described as pure sets and so 
they are not complete mathematical descriptions. The fact that it is not 
feasible for us to achieve such a description of physical structures 
doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

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