What you state IS valid JC, however like all good Republicans I will throw a 
couple of curve balls to consider. 1. For whatever reason, the masses, the 
Narod, are not in the streets demanding what Canada has. Mass Ignorance?
2. Our crime rates and murders effect the statistics. The Black community, the 
mass intake of Chinese Fentanyl from across the border (deaths from overdoses), 
unhealthy lifestyles Unlike the Nordic Kabouters in Holland do not partake 
of.But instead, they are riding bikes, walking, boating, etc. The couch potato 
is an American invention, not European. 

3. Does illegal immigration skew the statistics? Maybe no, maybe yes. It then 
becomes who gets statistically sampled? 
My question would be what would be the best way to pay for a national medical 
service? For this, I would seek out the estimates on the impact, from multiple 
economists. Maybe our national life average would climb, but what if it 
doesn't? Would we then disband a national medical service? 
My question is what is the mission statement of a new national med service? The 
measurable goal is.....?  

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Cc: meekerbr...@gmail.com <meekerbr...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sun, Jul 17, 2022 8:36 am
Subject: Re: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin 
Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

On Sat, Jul 16, 2022 at 5:56 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> when I was on the ancient Kurzweil forum *(when it was a forum) I was 
>corrected by a Dutch guy who was a software engineer from there, who corrected 
>me, when I questioned why he mentioned that he had his companies health 
>insurance. Why he even needed that, since even I knew that The Netherlands has 
>public medicine for decades, already?? He told me, "My company cares about 
>their employees sick days and health that they paid for us not get sick." 
When I asked him what the mean't I was told me, "We don't have to wait to see a 

Well, everybody in the USA has to wait to see a doctor too, and many have to 
wait quite literally forever because they can not afford to see a doctor at all.

> Let us let them have the last word, unless you're afraid of hearing 
> "whataboudism" which is a way of refusing to compare and contrast, and thus 
> deliberately avoid facts that go against one's ideology.

OK let me give you some facts, that can cut through all the internal 
complications and just illustrates the inputs and the outputs:
The life expectancy of a person in the Netherlands in 2019 was 82.01 years. 
The life expectancy of a person in the USA in 2019 was 78.79 years. 
The per capita healthcare costs in the Netherlands in 2019 was $5,335. 
The per capita healthcare costs in the USA in 2019 was $12,530. 
Unless you deliberately avoid these facts because they go against your ideology 
only one conclusion is possible, the healthcare system in the USA is 
DRAMATICALLY more inefficient than the healthcare system in the Netherlands. 
For decades the Democrats have tried to improve the ridiculous healthcare 
system in the USA and for decades the Antidemocrats have opposed all attempts 
to do so. And the Antidemocrats won.
 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis
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