On Wed, Sep 6, 2023 at 12:38 AM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

The violation of Bell's Inequality proves that things are not realistic or
>> not local or both,
> *> I have said that and you denied it.*

Show me where I denied that!!  I had been saying that things are not
realistic or not local or both for well over a decade, but thanks to
Leggett I now know that the answer is BOTH.

> *> QM is non-realistic anyway.*

The experimental violation of Bell's Inequality proves that any theory that
hopes to explain how the world works (QM for example) must be not realistic
or not local or both, but the experimental violation of Leggett's
inequality proves that any theory that hopes to explain how the world works
must be *BOTH* nonlocal *AND* non-realistic, period. QM and MWI pass both
the Bell and the Leggett test, that doesn't prove that either is correct
but it does prove that whatever theory turns out to be true cannot be local
and cannot be realistic. And neither test is able to prove that QM or the
MWI is wrong.

> >> "*Bell's inequality is established based on local realism."*
> *> False.*

 I didn't say that, the science journal Nature said that. So now according
to you not only is Wikipedia wrong but so is the science journal Nature,
the oldest and most prestigious science journal in the world. Do you really
think that people should believe you and not them?  Bruce, nobody wins
every argument, with this constant denial in the face of mounting evidence
you're starting to make a fool of yourself.

Testing Leggett's Inequality Using Aharonov-Casher Effect

> *> MWI is both non-realistic and non-local.*

I agree, so what are we arguing about? Yes MWI is both non-realistic and
non-local, if it was not it would not have passed BOTH the Bell and the Leggett
inequality and it would no longer be in agreement with all known
experiments and it would no longer be a viable interpretation of Quantum M

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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