*Because of our idiotic Electoral College system no third-party candidate,
like vaccine denier Robert F. Kennedy Jr, has a chance of becoming
president, however he can influence the outcome of the election. The
conventional wisdom is that Kennedy's candidacy will help Trump but that
appears not to be true because previously Trump had an ironclad grip on the
lunatic vote, but now Trump will have to split it with Kennedy. A recent
poll  indicated if it was just a two-man race 47% of Kennedy supporters
would vote for Trump and only 29% would vote for Biden. He really is
splitting the lunatic vote, and Trump seems to have noticed and he doesn't
like it:*

 Trump rails against RFK Jr., calling him a ‘wasted protest vote’

*There is even more evidence of the good deeds Robert Kennedy Junior may
accomplish in the November election, not only will he cause the lunatic
vote to be split between Trump and Kennedy, there's also evidence he could
be instrumental in kicking Ted Cruz out of the Senate. Kennedy voters would
prefer Trump over Biden, but a recent poll of Texas independent voters
indicated they would prefer any Democratic senatorial candidate over Ted
Cruz, who is on the ballot for reelection in November, by a margin of 50%
to 38% with 12% undecided.*


*And it seems probable with Kennedy on the ballot the number of registered
independent voters who decide to take the trouble to vote will
significantly increase. If more independent voters go to the polls Trump
will get more votes but that's OK because there is virtually no chance of
Biden winning in Texas regardless of how many fringe party candidates are
on the ballot,  and it will increase the number of votes for Cruz's
Democratic opponent.*

*If that revolting prick, Ted Cruz, is kicked out of the Senate in November
a little of the sting of a Trump victory and becoming the most powerful
human being on Earth during the Singularity would be reduced. It would be a
very small reduction in the existential dread a second Trump presidency
would cause me to feel, but the relief would be greater than zero.*

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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