On Wed, 2014-02-12 at 15:27 +0000, Potrola, MateuszX wrote:
> Hi,
> >Regarding your specific issue - it's probably working the same way in 
> >master as in the branch - my guess is that this is due to D-Bus property 
> >changes being delayed until the main loop is hit.
> >It may be that a simple call to g_dbus_interface_skeleton_flush() inside
> >the loop which sets locale on each book would fix this.
> You are right - it's the same on master branch, but adding 
> g_dbus_interface_skeleton_flush call after setting locale fixes the issue.
> How I can submit patch, should I open new item on bugzilla and send it there?

Yes, that's usually the best approach to ensure that patches get
included in EDS. Please include patches that apply to master and the
gnome-3-8-openismus branches. Please CC me and I can commit them (unless
someone beats me to it - I am currently on vacation).

Bye, Patrick

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