On 2001.06.03 19:07:03 +0200 Torben Schou Jensen wrote:
> Hey
> Using Red Carpet I have downloaded Evolution 0.10.
> Seams like a great tool, except that I can't read my mail using it.
> When I check for new email I get the following error.
> <Error while performing operation:
> <Could not create lock file for /var/spool/mail/tsj: Permission denied

login as root

cd /var/spool
chmod 1777 mail
chown root.root mail
cd /var/spool/mail
chmod 600 tsj
chown tsj.users tsj

thats all.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science
E-Mail..: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
WWW.....: http://www.fh-wilhelmshaven.de/~akcaagaa

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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