On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 10:02:27AM -0400, Ben FrantzDale wrote:
> Which is it? First you say that descriptive buttons are best but then
> that ``yes and no are the best.'' Then you say that descriptive buttons
> are best.

I wish I could find that article again.

Basically, if the dialog raises a question in such a way that Yes or No will do, yes 
and no buttons are better.
If the dialog has more things to do, descriptive buttons are better.


|                                    |
| Remove  folder "zbr" ?             |
|                                    |
|                                    |
|   [ Yes ]       [ <No> ]           |
|                                    |


|                                            |
| Expunge folder "zbr" ?                     |
|                                            |
|                                            |
| [ Move To Trash ] [ Delete ] [ <Cancel> ]
|                                            |

Notice I default the buttons with <> to the safest choice.

Hugs, rms

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