On 13 Jun 2002, Joe Khoobyar wrote:

> Hi everyone.  I just recently subscribed to this list because I'd really
> love to customize and add some features to Evolution.  I'm a
> professional software developer and I've been writing code since I was
> ten, so I'm not out of my element or anything.

Ha!  Are you sure mate?  We're kinda 1337 aroun here you might not be up
to speed :)  (i'm totally joking of course!)

> However, I was wondering if there was any documentation lying around
> about the class hierarchy in Evolution?  I figured if there was, it
> would save me a lot of time tooling around to figure out the basic
> structure of things.  Unfortunately, free time is something that can be
> pretty elusive.
> I know we all hate documenting code (at least I do) so it's probably
> likely that it hasn't been done yet, but I was hoping against hope that
> there might be some docs out there already?

There are a ew bits and pieces, but not a whole hell of a lot :(  there's
some stuff in camel/devel-docs, but a lot of it is a bit out of date, and
only relevent if you're interested in low-level email stuff.

Unofortunately for most things you have to resort to the source.  Although
at least the coba compnent like wombat (addressbook/calendar) are wrapped
in corba idl's.

 > --
> Joe Khoobyar
> Ankhcraft
> "where technology is our art"
> http://www.ankhcraft.com
> Voice: (703) 200-7871
> Fax:   (703) 941-1175
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